Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview with AzalieBun

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StarmanZero's Avatar StarmanZero
Level 27 : Expert Button Pusher
What inspired you to join the deviantart community?
- I found that page when I was looking for inspiration to draw. Then, after a while I took the courage to make myself an account and upload drawings there.

Why do you like about making characters, what caught your interest?
- It's like they're my babies. At first, my very first OC (and the one who's my main character) was a "personification" of myself on internet. Then, after some time I started giving her a backstory, and changed her design with time. It's like putting a little of yourself on it, and I can see that when seeing other people's OCs.

How long have you been making characters?
- My very first oc was created around 2006, but... since I was a kid I liked to make my own characters.

What goes through your mind as you post your characters?
- Of what will people would react, what would they think about it and if they're gonna like them as much as I do.

Are you familiar with Weird Science (I just had to ask)?
- Uhmm, no ;v;

Do you think you'll ever stop?
- I hope not. But, since being an adult suck, there's gonna be a time I won't have enough time to draw.

How do you feel when you realize how far you've come and that there are seeing your work?
- I feel really proud of myself, and satisfaction that I've advanced. It truly makes me happy when other people see it and actually like it, and makes me wanna continue drawing.

What do you hope for the future?
- I hope I can draw even better, fix some drawing mistakes and to be recognized by my style/name.

Do you think making characters is an art?
- It is, it's a way to capture your imagination on a character, like when you do a painting or a portrait.

What is your favorite animal, why?
- Cats, because they're cute and fluffy, and lizards because.... lizards!

Which is your favorite of the four elements, why?
- Fire! It's warm, energy... power and emotion.

Please Check out AzalieBun's work over at http://azaliebun.deviantart.com/


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