Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview Week #31

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TheYellowStarMites's Avatar TheYellowStarMites
Level 24 : Expert Group
With Berrymxxn
Level: 15

1. What's your favourite food and drink?
Favorite food Yes im going basic with this I like spaghetti I'm currently thinking about going vegan. Um drink Limpton greentea

2. What's your favourite colour or colours? Do you prefer darker or lighter shades?
My favorite colours are sage green cedar brown dark purple and I prefer dark colours

3. Favourite and most hated mob? Do you prefer passive, neutral or hostile?
My favorite mob a endermen and my least favorite is a ghasp cuz I don't integrate with them much hostile

4. What inspired you to join planetminecraft? Was there someone or you just randomly found the page?
What inspired me actually I was using skindexs and I put a request into sxgxrplxm on skindexs ad they had a link to PMC so they have been my inspiration

5. What's your favourite songs? May you recommend any?
My favorite song slut wit nut (lol so sorry about that) or Trust Issues by Drake I recommend Ditto by New Jeans

6. What's your hobbies and interests?
hobbies writing and knitting crocheting, interests kpop dance skinning poem - You should consider about presenting us some of your works.

7. What's your favourite pmc profile pet? You can mention these you didn't caught ;)
My favorite PMC profile pet is wribbt I want to get him so baddd - The frog appears only in July(31 days)

8. Java, bedrock or education? Favourite game version? The second questions points versions like 1.6, Beta 1.2 etc.
java and bedrock and chose one lol

9. What minecraft programming you know or would you learn? (mods, addons, datapacks, skinning, resources packing)
Minecraft programming I know mods kinda skinning

10. Dream job?
Dream job working for NASA (yes I'm a science nerd)

11. What languages do you know? Would you like to learn more and which?
I know Spanish so Irish and yes a matter of fact I'm learning Korean

12. What do you usually post?
I post random crap tbh

13. What's your personal opinion about yourself?
Im very very insecure about myself

14. Favorite games?
Sims 4 Minecraft and cod

15. How do you feel while answering the question?
I have fun this was my first interview I LOVED it<3
have a great day

Thank you for your time. Have a great time
Apologies for the delay, I will try to continue the blogs

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