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INTERVIEW | Melancholism | Blog

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ItzSimplyMeKat's Avatar ItzSimplyMeKat
Level 39 : Artisan Sweetheart
Some background information on Melancholism: This is a fabulous PMC uploader with 451 subscribers in counting! Check on Melancholism
to keep up with her uploads!
Question/Interviewer Melancholism/Answer
Q: When did you join pmc?
A: Well, I joined last year sometime in November. Wow, now that I think about it, that was long ago...
Q:Did you make skins before joining?
Yep! I actually started making skins about a month or two before joining, just for my own pleasure. Well, I mean, if you count editing a lot of skins...haha..
Q:What content do you post?
Skins, skins, skins. And the occasional blog.
Q:How do you feel when others post your skins?
I don't think I've ever had anyone post my skins...I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who does xD
Q:What minecraft servers do you play on?
I haven't recently played minecraft, because I can admit it's kind of a dying game, but I when I used to, I would play on Mineplex or ItsJerryandHarry. Mostly mineplex though.
Q:Do you have any minecraft friends? And if so who?
Actually, yes, I did. I forget thier names now though, but we used to play together all the time.
Q:How long has it been since you joined pmc?
A year! Woohoo!
Q:What do advice do you have for new joiners?
Dont get banned, read the rules, and don't copy others skins.
Q:Favorite color?
I don't really have a main one, but here are some colours I like: Maroon, plum, gray-blue, peach, red.
Q:Favorite Food?
Sushi! mmmm
Q:Cheesiest Joke?
why is there a gate around cemeteries?
Because people are dying to get in ;)))
Q:Why Shrek?
he's a meme and he's my husband sOo
That's It! Thank for Joining Melancholism! Everyone go subscribe to Melancholism here! <--- GoSUB
Keep up the good work!

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01/06/2017 8:58 am
Level 34 : Artisan Strawberry
pechee's Avatar
Idk, I have found this issue with many interviews, but I couldn't read the interview because the colors weren't appealing, nor could I read the blue because of it's violently bright appearance xD Idk just a tip if you'd like more experience, etc.

I took a class on this stuff and I know all of this internet advertising techniques, just in case you were wondering if I was joking you or something .w. In a way I am slightly certified, and tbh rn I could have just told not to tell you, but I thought it wouldn't be fair if I didnt
01/07/2017 11:38 am
Level 39 : Artisan Sweetheart
ItzSimplyMeKat's Avatar
Is that better??
01/07/2017 11:36 am
Level 39 : Artisan Sweetheart
ItzSimplyMeKat's Avatar
Oh thanks for the tip I will change the colors.
01/07/2017 7:29 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Strawberry
pechee's Avatar
Hmm? What oh yes that is so much better. Sorry If I seemed harsh XD I just badly wanted to read it xD
01/02/2017 1:16 pm
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Melancholism's Avatar
woo this is awesome <33
01/02/2017 1:26 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Sweetheart
ItzSimplyMeKat's Avatar
Its really not that cool .. YOUR AWESOME
01/02/2017 4:01 pm
Level 46 : Master Technomancer
Melancholism's Avatar
oh pfft, yes it is :3 the questions you asked are gr8
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