Minecraft Blogs / Interview

Interview #1 Cosmic Luke

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Estuary's Avatar Estuary
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
1.How did you discover Minecraft?
A.Minecraft? When I first heard of the game (couple years ago) I thought it was pretty cool. Eventually, my brother downloaded the demo for Xbox while at our Father's house, and he told me all the details on the phone. When I actually got to play it, it was super different than I thought XD

Same, Minecraft was hard when I first started
2.How did you discover Planet Minecraft?
A.Ah, something I still remember 'til now. I was home alone, playing MineCraft, and suddenly, BORED! So I decided to go to the internet and find a model of Toy Bonnie (from FNaF) as in MC. I built a statue of TB, but it looked a bit derpy... Returning to the site I found that TB, I decided to scroll around. I thought it looked pretty cool and joined in the same day (because I love having accounts on things X3)

3.What do you like about PMC?
A.The fact that you can post many things that people enjoy. The fact that all the people you meet, you can become friends and help eachother (or enemies and hate eachother XD). The fact that, just one game, one site, and a whole lot of people are gathered here together, as a family, all for fun! ^^

4.If you could add/change anything on PMC, what would you do?
A.Erm... I-I don't really know... I guess be able to put backgrounds in members' profiles and stuff like that. Be able to personalize your profile page!

That would be amazing!
5.How did you get your username?
A.Cosmic Luke? It's because of my favourite games, Super Mario Galaxy, because there were chalenges known as "Cosmic Comets" which I loved a lot! Since I loved the Cosimc Comet so much, I decided to change my name because of it, but it sounded kinda weird :P Havingfun_ISKEY encouraged me, saying the name sounded cool, which made it sound less dumb to me, so I changed my name to Cosmic Luke! (Old name being Luke Weakliest Lake, an OC of mine)

6.Who inspires you the most on PMC?
A.I don't know, really... Jordanw5432 was a good inspiration but... I guess nowdays what inspires me are games 'n' stuff!

7.What's your favorite submission?
A.I guess it would be my Withered Soctt F. skin, which was a 300 subscriber special for Jordanw5432!

Just like your subscriber gift from me is this interview.Coincidence much xP
Anyway, it's time for le random questions which doesn't really have anything to do with PMC!
8.What is your favorite color?
A.Lol XDGo Green!

We have something in common ≧◡≦
9.What's your favorite animal?
A.Um, is it still not obvious enough? BUNNIES!!

Bunnies are cute :3
10.If you could have any super power, what would it be?
A.Invincibility! Or flying! Or super speed! I dunno, one of those three X3

Having every power would be amazing!
11.What would you tell someone that started PMC that looks up to you?
A.Awlays keep moving forward! Follow your dreams! Do... something!

Yeah always YOLO it!That's what I say xP
12.What to say something else before we end this interview?
A.Nutella! T-That's it :P...

Me.xD Thank you for letting me interview you Cosmic Luke.Have a great day and congratulations on 100 subscribbles!
Cosmic.Yay! And thank you for interviewing me! It was fun ^^

Be sure to check out Cosmic Luke!
His Profile ~ Click Meh
CreditCosmic Luke

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01/01/2016 9:58 am
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
D'awww, such a cute picture! xD
01/01/2016 3:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Ikr? X3
01/01/2016 4:09 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
musicmcmaker's Avatar
But i LOVE the cover
01/01/2016 4:08 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Artist
musicmcmaker's Avatar
no afence but i think it is boring i am to a persont hat get inpressed easy sorry and plz don't get angry that is just my opinion and sorry if it makes u mad
12/31/2015 8:28 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Kitten
David's Avatar
cute thumbnail
12/31/2015 8:29 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
Estuary's Avatar
Thank you ;w;
12/31/2015 12:14 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
Awesome! ^^
Loved the cover!
12/31/2015 12:24 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Blob
Estuary's Avatar
Thank you :3
12/31/2015 12:25 pm
Level 27 : Expert Blacksmith
Nebulabeee's Avatar
No problem ^w^
idk lol
12/31/2015 12:12 pm
Level 25 : Expert Crafter
idk lol's Avatar
I love that cover :P

Nice interview! I only suggest that you make the color of your text and his different so its easier to understand and read.
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