Minecraft Blogs / Interview

UмвrєllαMσnѕтєr ;Inтєrνιєω мαdє ву→Bαnιм

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Chickennuggie's Avatar Chickennuggie
Level 25 : Expert Artist
Hey everyone! Now I´ll be interviewing the amazing @UmbrellaMonster ! I hope you like it.
Her answers will be marked with a ´~´
1- How did you come up with the idea of writing a blog like that?
~ i was talking to a few of my online friends and some of them said they
cant open something or whatever. so i just said random stuff.

2- Are you into writing?
~ im kinda into writing but i dont wanna become a novelist when i get a carrier

3- Could you guess that it would be on popreel?
~ tbh i could guess because bogs are really easy to get popreels of

4- Was the blog planned or random?
~ the blog was planned

5- Do you read blogs from others?
~ i dont really read blogs from other people unless there fabulas looking

6- Do you have any inspiration to your blogs?
~ i diddnt have a inspiration i just was like screw it

7- How did you make the title-picture?
~ mspaint.net

8- I saw you making skins, what would you prefer pixeling a new skin or writing a new blog?
~ id rather skin because the blog was just a joke

9- Would you do more Blogs like this in the future?
~ i will do more blogs in the future but i can see myself stop for a while, then get back into random stuff

10- Do you have a favorite Blogger?
~ i dont

11- Do you think you could start YouTube by blogging like this?
~ not exactly cause i dont have a planner, but i now it would me pretty hectic if i stat one

12- Do you think pmc needs more blogs like yours?
~ only if people want a laugh or there just really bored, but i guess? i mean there pretty bad

13- How did you get into blogs?
~ i just saw how to shade blogs and i wanted to do a skinning blog but then like,"Thats too generic."

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07/03/2017 10:55 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Explorer
oldacc's Avatar
Great job! Just make sure to put a link to their profile, and I also suggest add a little color. It makes it easier on the eyes.
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