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Inside the madman's mind. Am i actually evil? (yes. very much yes.)

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Maveriknight's Avatar Maveriknight
Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
If you've ever played on a survival server in the last yet, it's a fairly safe bet that you've seen at least one occaision of something that you could call "evil" happen. And no, i'm not talking about grief. Whether it was something mundane, like filling a player's house with dirt, to something more intense, like a well geared player camping another's base, we've all seen it. and yet, in spite of all this "evil" activity, the most any of these people ever really amount to on the scale of villainy is "insufferable jerk". And to be entirely honest, i find this a bit disappointing! Minecraft is, by it's very definition, a game with endless possibilities, even in vanilla, but despite this, outside of Roleplay Servers, which are, almost entirely, restrictive on what a person can do even as an evil player, their actions still rarely even reach the insufferable jerk point, with most of them barely even registering as being particularly evil!

However, that's not to say that there arent properly villainous players out there, whether they realize it or not. While they tend to be hard to spot among the crowd of usual players, these players, coming in all shapes and sizes like all others, uniquely among most of their companions on servers, truly deserve the title of "Villain." However, at this point, there's bound to be at least one person among those who read this that will be doubting this statement. who will be thinking to themselves "if they're that bad, they'd just e banned, right?" But i am here to tell you all that, as part of being a proper villain, these players, either intentionally, or just as a result of their play, never actually reach a point that deserves a ban, despite their indisputable evil. Despite this, however, these players are still feared, distrusted, and in general, suspected of any and all crimes that may occur in a server.

Take for example, my own actions, still spoken of, and repeats of which are still feared may happen.

While many players may feel they have a good grasp on most modpacks, few can truly say that they have excelled in any particular pack. sure, automating the production of some items or the like are easy enough, and often enough for a player to feel they had won, but how many players can say that they have conquered an entire overworld? None that you can name, more than likely, and many of you may be thinking that such a feat is unachievable, but i am living proof that it is verymuch doable in the right pack. So for your scrutiny, i now lay before you all a short account of my actions on a now closed yogscraft server, the players from which still live in fear of the name "Ragnarok"

It started with a simple goal: Master airships, and  build a sky-city. A relatively mundane goal for most players, though in this case, more ambitious than most. The modpack had contained redpower, back when it was still updated, and i had just started working on airship technology when players started getting really hostile. fast forward a few weeks of work and advancment, and i found myself in charge of an army of 15 players in a server where most factions were 3-4, and even worse, i stood in command of a fleet of powerful airships, some designed to mine out my enemies, some designed to be modular, capabale of swapping out bombers that would drop anything from TNT, of which i had an infinite supply thanks to a factory i had designed, to live blazes, meant to burn out an entire base, and anything in between. not only was i in charge of this, but i had also managed to perfect 24/7 forcefield technology, and had begun a slow march across the overworld with my fleet, forcing any players i came across to make a decision: Submit and live under my laws, or be scorched from the planet.  As i went, a satellite, designed to follow my airship fleet, slowly terraformed the entire area below into useless desert wasteland, while elsewhere a fleet of airships mined out entire chunks at one time, shipping it all to my base for use in producing more airships, and missles, designed like the airships, only autonomous and one use.

So i ask you, is this not vlilainous? properly villainous?

Well this is not the worst. towards the end of my conquest, i gathered a group of players who had not yet submitted, in an effort for "peace talks" which took place at a location nearest to a spawn area that i had prepared. on arriving, i gave the lot of them a single choice. "submit, or you all die here." while many of them submitted, two stood opposed, and called me out, claiming i wouldnt do anything if they said no. without hesitating, i simply replied "Ok." and shot the ground in their midst, setting off a huge section of TNT i had buried beforehand with the intent of setting it off regardless of their answers. while a few people survived, my guards finished them off before they could escape.

This is not even mentioning the mountain leveled in a display of power using portals leading into the vaccumn of space, nor the mountain destroyed, then ressurected when the TNT placed on it crashed the server, which was, purely and simply, an act of boredom. (admittedly, the crash was not intended.)

So i say, do i not deserve the title of Villain? Am i not proof that they can indeed exist? This was but my actions on a single server, and i have far more to share, though not now.

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