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Information About Counter Strike (Minestrike Aswell)

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CS_GO's Avatar CS_GO
Level 15 : Journeyman Engineer

-Hostage rescue (CS)
This epic gamemode is as all other Minestrike gamemodes a match between the teams
Terrorists and Counter-Terrorists.
The Terrorists goal is to kill the Counter-Terrorist, and protect the hostages from
getting rescued.
The Counter-Terrorists on other hand are supposed to rescue the hostages, they do that
by sneaking close to a hostage. And by doing that you untie them. This can be done
faster with MVP. And when they are untied, you lead them to your spawnpoint, and then
you win!
Both teams should be careful with hurting the hostages, because if you do that, you
lose money.

-Demolition (DE)
In this gamemode, one of the Terrorists spawns with a bomb. Which can be planted at
two bombsites. The bombsites are called "A" and "B". And they are basicly a piece
of black wool with a sign over it. And to plant it, you simply sneak standing on it.
That can also be done faster with MVP. Once a timer goes on, and when the timer hits
zero, terrorists win.
The Counter-Terrorists goal is to kill the Terrorists and defuse the bomb.
And how do they defuse it? They simply stands on the bombsite where the bomb is planted
and sneaks. That takes some time and can also be done faster with MVP.
If they manage to defuse the bomb, Counter-Terrorists win.

-Death Match (DM)
This gamemode is just a fight, no bombs, no hostages. As in all other gamemodes you're
out once you die. And in Death Match, the team that survives the longest wins!
As simple as that.

Other help
You'll need weapons to fight! Here are a little help about how you buy guns, grenades and more. You buy these things with money you get from killing and winning.
When you spawn, you will be looking in a chest. And in that chest All buyable guns are
displayed. There are four weapon classes:

Shotguns and Light Machine Guns (LMG's)
-Xm1014, 1250 Credits, Low firepower, med firerate, low accuracy
-Negev, 5700 Credits (LMG), Med firepower, high firerate, low accuracy
-Sawed off, 1750 Credits, Low firepower, low firerate, low accuracy
-Nova, 1500 Credits, Low firepower, low firerate, low accuracy
-M249, 5200 Credits (LMG), Med firepower, high firerate, med accuracy

Assault Rifles and Snipers
-SSG 08, 2500 Credits (Sniper), Med firepower, low firerate, med accuracy
-AUG, 3500 Credits, Low firepower, med firerate, med accuracy
-Famas, 2250 Credits, Low firepower, high firerate, low accuracy
-Ak47, 3100 Credits, Low firepower, high firerate, med accuracy

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