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In Memory of RedPower 2

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HeyQuadBlockers's Avatar HeyQuadBlockers
Level 23 : Expert Engineer
Some days, I just want to sit in front of my computer and talk about my life. I guess this is one of those opputunities.

My name is HQB, and today, we commemorate the history of the RedPower Mod, and also my memory of RedPower.

When I first got into mods, I knew nothing at all besides basic redstone knowledge. I began getting into mods when 1.4 came out, and there were these mods like MineFactoryReloaded, Thermal Expansion, and Mystcraft. I didn't know how to use them, how to make and manipulate them, and I felt left out of this whole modding and 'out of this world' community. The many hours of scrambling on the wiki's didn't help either. But in 1.4.7, I discovered FTB, and subsequently RedPower. By the time, RedPower was in a well-developed shape, and those logic components and machines paved the way for me to use more complicated mods. I've learnt so much from the logic, and it helped me understand logic gates, such as those pesky AND, AB gates and XOR gates. Without this mod, I wouldn't know how to use basically any mod.

Now here's a lil' bit of history of Redpower. Eloraam, the creator started the hugely-popular modification with only 1 addition: the timer. It was to simplify large redstone pulsers. Soon after, in patch Beta 1.7, microblocks were added, and soon wires and gates and whatnot. However, there were still something missing: simpler machinery! Around 3 months later, there were retrievers, sorting machines and more! By 2012, the mod has sustained a large following and were updating often. That period, from mid 2011- late 2012, as many would say was the golden age of Minecraft. Let's Players flourished, and many of those popular names we hear today began then, and don't forget the rapidly growing archive of mods on the forums! However, in 1.5.2, Redpower came to a halt. Eloraam seemingly went to sleep and has never awoken since. Now, we are receiving insight on her website saying that she wants to turn this mod into a full-blown game.

Although Chickenbones and MrTheJamiePatrol now update a revived version of this mod, nothing will ever compare up to the glory that this mod once received, and the fun with this mod that I once had shall never be recovered.

RIP RedPower 2, thou shall rest in peace under the void with the long-asleep Eloraam.
*closes coffin*

Note: This isn't a rant or anything else! This is sort of a written memorial of the original RedPower, buried within the depths of the Minecraft Forums...

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