Minecraft Blogs / Other

ill basically blog all my life!:P

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Steampunk_Cat's Avatar Steampunk_Cat
Level 1 : New Explorer
this is to tell about ill basically do reviews and rarly make skins and im just a server reveiwer if you want to have epic adventures with me then get on my steampowered hot air ballon and lets ADVENTURE!!!(also remember to not do animal abuse and dont hug creepers!) i hope to become a INFAMOUS gamer in the good way or famous too ill be doing adventure reveiws where i do a story and a review on a server  my skype is suesunshine16 named by my sister she gave me her skype ;-; but see you guys later!
Creditmy brain

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02/28/2014 6:22 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Caveman
jakesoboy01's Avatar
Well I guess I would formally like to say Welcome to PMC! I hope you enjoy it here... or not. :) lol kthxbye I hope to see blogs to you soon. ;)
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