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If Minecraft was Real

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AliAwesome's Avatar AliAwesome
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Hey guys Ali here! i'm telling you if the regular human can survive in minecraft. i'm looking at the aspects of minecraft,and seeing if humans can do it.
1. Mining
mining. so awesome. it is what makes minecraft addictive. can the human do it? yes. though they may run into monsters along the way. also they may take fall damage. all in all,humans an survive
can humans craft? no. they will need tools to make the item. it will not just go poof and be there so no
You know humans can fight,no doubt abut it. though fighting the minecraft mobs..not so much they might need guns,which is not in minecraft. so no.
4.building (surviving)
can humans survive? yes. many humans long ago made their own houses. constructions workers do it everyday so yes
so.humans might be able to survive in minecraft!
So that's all i got guys! please diamond and comment!
Bye guys. i'm Ali and Awesome!

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