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Idea's for Minecraft

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xNighthawk70x's Avatar xNighthawk70x
Level 34 : Artisan Electrician
Share your ideas!


1.Bring snow back.. and I mean the actual snowing snow.

2.Cows to drop beef

3.Remote controlled powered objects such as: Boat or Mine cart

4.Add a faster means of transportation: Horse etc.

What about you?

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07/31/2012 3:16 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wisdomdragon02's Avatar
whats minecraft
09/03/2011 7:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
maxxor0's Avatar
marcelov thats wat i was thinking
06/17/2011 10:09 am
Level 31 : Artisan Pokemon
marcelov1120's Avatar
1st- i think we should have guns, i mean we have gunpowder and steel. i think its a fair idea.
2nd-we shouled have flying type of creatures to make the game a littlte more realistic
3rd-there should be mobs that kill in the water
4th there whould be trenches (that would be awesome)
5th-(this is minecraft system overall) we should be able to add freinds and get notification if they are online and offline. i think thats a perfect idea
6th-if ou live in the snow biome then why cant you make a sled and get like 3 wolfs and then GET TRANSPORTATED!
7th-slimes should spawn anywere
8th- they should add a new type of tool like a mace that deals much more damage.
9th-they sshould add meteor showers every 3 hours
10th-he should add if you put 2 mobs in one cage they would make 1 more.(1creeper + 1 creeper = baby creeper :3)
i think some of thoose should definately be included. :)
05/26/2011 10:48 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
pnut123's Avatar
I think Minecraft should have realistic nature and animals
04/25/2011 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
minecraftbeliever's Avatar
1.pirate grenades

2.dagger(like sword only takes 1 less ore and can be thrown)

3.fishing nets

4.more looting! ships, small villages, etc.


those are my four original ideas so num. five is not mine (DUH!)
06/17/2011 12:53 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Nether Knight
Minecraftman47239's Avatar
Just making sure you know this, but pistons will be included in Minecraft beta 1.7.
01/23/2011 7:57 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Wizard
Zaralith's Avatar
Snow used to exist, and I think it would only be brought back into tundra and ice desert biomes. Rain I think also used to exist or at the very least is planned since there is an image for it, and I think that would be only in rainforest biomes and maybe one of the wet biomes. I wish snow would come back to the icy biomes, because it is my understanding that once you strip the snow off the top of a snow biome, it doesn't come back. Also, about snow causing lag, it works the same way that 2-d clouds work. It takes the snow image and I think that it places it in an x on each block with snow and lets it just scroll down.
01/24/2011 4:24 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Electrician
xNighthawk70x's Avatar
good idea and yea they had snow but im not sure about the rain
01/23/2011 5:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Els77's Avatar
I reckon these:

1. Rain? It would be cool to see and it would also be pretty cool if it had it's own sound and things)

2. A pet system would be pretty cool, something small though and with special capabilities.

3. Dragons! Huge ones that breath fire!
01/23/2011 6:38 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Electrician
xNighthawk70x's Avatar
dragons would have to drop something good like armor or somethin O.o
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