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I need Minigame ideas!

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AlphaClan's Avatar AlphaClan
Level 18 : Journeyman Taco
Well, so im thinking about to make a minigame server, but i need ideas for minigames

Im going to have like: Sg, TNT drop,Capture the flag, spleef, splegg and more, but i need more ideas

So comment if you have an idea, it would be great of you know about a uniqe game

So help me, im thinking a maximum of 18 games.
Hope you come with ideas and subscribe to me. Maybe we can give you a special rank on the server

Have fun, Alpha

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09/26/2013 2:42 am
Level 18 : Journeyman Zombie
Fazure's Avatar
I have one: Diamond Collectors: Whoever finds a hidden diamond (an ore; each player gets a golden pick etc.) wins.


1) There is only 1 diamond ore

2) The player must bring the diamond to starting area to win

3) PvP is disabled until the diamond is found; then everyone should try and steal the diamond from the player with the jewel (his nametag will light up or something or he will have fireworks etc.)

4) teams, betraying, backstabbing, lying, trolling, etc. is allowed >:D

5) any other you like.

6) Spam

7) Seven is my favorite number! I have an obsession with it! :D XD :) >:D >:)

I hope you like it! :D
08/31/2013 3:01 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Modder
HbTextures's Avatar
What about a war of miner to get ores? I already made a map like this! MCEdit, copy chunks, paste in the servermap.
08/31/2013 2:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TeaRex's Avatar
Two teams each go for a bomb at the center of the map and when a player gets the bomb they go try and "plant" it at the other teams spawn and when they do they win the game.
08/31/2013 2:48 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Zombie
agentriver's Avatar
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