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I (hopefully) disprove a theory!

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Th3D0Minat0r's Avatar Th3D0Minat0r
Level 22 : Expert Cake
Hello P.M.C. Today I bring you part 2 of my aliens theory. Now on my last theory I proved aliens exist, and I got a comment from Candlevera, the comment is below.

It's statistically incredibly likely alien life exists, but whether anything more than microscopic life exists is basically entirely unknown. We cannot prove with certainty even simple flora or fauna exists on other worlds. There's a popular concept known as "The Great Filter" which suggests there are one or more large-scale events that stop life in it's tracks. The hope is that those events are "behind" us and we survived them.

The Fermi Paradox is another relevant theory and the reason for the existence of the Great Filter theory. Essentially, it's incredibly odd how we've seen no trace of intelligent alien life despite the universe being as vast and complex as it is. There are many, many potential explanations for this theory and it's all quite fascinating. There's, of course, The Great Filter theory, which suggests we're one of the few to pass, or one of many that has yet to encounter the "filter." There's a theory that there may be powerful sapient races out there or something dangerous tracking communication, and, as such, all civilizations try to hide themselves. There's also the concept that we just live "in the country," as it were, far away from civilized space. Our SETI technology is very primitive compared to what a race capable of interstellar flight would use. There are plenty of other theories on the topic; too many to recount here.

So this theory (The great filter theory) says that something killed off other aliens. (Basicly) However, if you review my last theory, you will remember my argument, that with the limited amount of atom combinations, so they will be repeated. So if 1 in 100000000000 planets have life, then there are an infinite amount of planets with life. (Remember the univers is infinite) so let's say earth survived this cataclysmic event, well then an infinit amount of other planets did to! So a planet exactly like earth is 1 in 100000000000000000, so that means there are more earths, thus more aliens that survived.

p.s. I will do that teleportation theory, as well as a wild Krat, and dinosaur theory.
CreditCandlevera for the super smart comment

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09/27/2016 6:22 am
Level 22 : Expert Cake
Th3D0Minat0r's Avatar
Thx, more will be coming
09/27/2016 12:16 am
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Reficul_'s Avatar
There is likely to be alien life, but not in the way that people commonly thing. There's no large creature that will raid our "space ships" and eat the crew. There are most likely microscopic organisms on or below the surface of a planet (maybe even Mars?). But there is no intelligent life on another planet besides Earth, but in the case that they are, you've proven me wrong sir. Anyways, I question the validity of having a blog post about alien life on a Minecraft site, but in the case that it's allowed, I found this interesting and would like to see similar posts.
09/26/2016 8:48 pm
Level 22 : Expert Cake
Th3D0Minat0r's Avatar
Read part 1
09/26/2016 8:17 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
kynaris's Avatar
You can't necessarily prove that aliens exist
09/26/2016 5:54 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
First, we don't know whether the universe is infinite or not. It hasn't been scientifically proven either way. Physics has not explained that to us yet and we can only see so far. That being said, I definitely agree that there's a very high chance that someone else is out there, likely quite a few. The observable universe alone is incomprehensibly massive. The only problem is we don't know the chances of life or civilizations rising, so we can't say with certainty what the chances of any alien civilizations are,

On the Great Filter, it essentially suggests that something kills off or prevents the development of spacefaring civilizations the large majority of the time, but it doesn't mean they cannot exist. It's just a potential explanation for why we haven't seen any, and not one I particularly subscribe to. The event isn't necessarily cataclysmic, either, it can be as simple as life being really rare due to the method in which it originally manifests. We cannot prove one way or another how it developed originally so we don't know if that's putting a hold on alien life. Most who believe the theory hope this is the case, as if the Filter were ahead of us (We're not really much of a spacefaring civilization, for the most part. We haven't traveled beyond our solar system or really sent out any signals that'd be easy for distant stars to pick up.

Personally, I think the reality of it may well be that it's really difficult to contact civilizations through space. It may require technology we don't yet have and cannot comprehend, and, thus, we see nothing. We can't really get a glimpse at what's going on in other star systems either, so, for all we know, they could be bustling with activity that we can't detect. Our communications technology may be the equivalent of yelling really loudly in a field versus calling someone from across the world with a cell phone. I think that's one of the most optimistic theories, at least.

I think it's super cool you're interested in all of this, and I'd highly suggest you look into it even more! Hope that doesn't seem condescending or anything; it's a growing field of study that could always do with more minds!
10/08/2016 2:49 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
Geekles's Avatar
"First, we don't know whether the universe is infinite or not."
Actually we do, we know that the Universe is expanding ever since the famous explosion (The Big Bang). If something is expanding then it isn't infinite. And even if you don't believe in the Big Bang Theory the fact that the Universe is expanding has been proven mathematically by watching night sky.
Nice response though.
10/08/2016 10:39 pm
Level 42 : Master Necromancer
candle_'s Avatar
From what I understand the universe itself isn't expanding, but rather, the distances between galaxies are expanding/increasing. From your perspective in any galaxy, all others would be moving away from you as there isn't a center point. I don't think that disproves the possibility of an infinite universe. It'd just mean everything would slowly be moved farther from each other, something that'd work particularly well in an infinite universe.

The best example I know for this is a number line - infinite numbers in both directions.

<- -5 -4 -3- 2 -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ->

Let's increase the "space" between numbers.

<- -9, -7, -5, -3, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ->

Both are infinite, but the second is an "expanded" version of the previous. I *believe* this is what Hubble's Law, and thus the expanding universe thing means, but I haven't studied physics professionally or anything. Botanical science is more my thing.
10/09/2016 12:15 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Network
Geekles's Avatar
You got the part about the galaxies moving apart but this wasn't simply showing that they were moving apart but this is what proved the Universe was expanding. (You were right though about it being Hubble's law) "The American astronomer Edwin Hubble made the observations in 1925 and was the first to prove that the universe is expanding. He proved that there is a direct relationship between the speeds of distant galaxies and their distances from Earth. This is now known as Hubble's Law."

If you're interested, I recommend you read up a bit on Hubble's law. You might find it to be interested. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/universe.html
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