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I few drawings/coloring

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JoyofGod's Avatar JoyofGod
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
I few drawings/coloring
I was in a internet hugging war XD

I few drawings/coloring
A Question to my friends
and a drawing of my minecraft skin

I few drawings/coloring

a co-lab I did

I though theses grapes where cute ^-^

I was playing XD

I am happy how this turned out XD

Warning: below is old art :3

For the pic up there, the back grown is a painting. and if you think the that girl hanging from a bar looks weird, sorry >.<
Orange cat.... >^-^<
This is a darwing with pencal and markers. I was practicing drawing a cat, and it kinda resemble puss-in-boots, well with out the boots... hehehe :3 then later on I was practicsing with makers and I was getting in to the zone (B so I drew drecastly onto the sketch and voila :)

Code name: pink heart
I wanted to make something mine crafty that could also be used for my profile... and this is what I got, hope you like it :3 and I wanted to get better at drawing on the computer with a mouse.... compared to the girl hanging from a bar, I think I have gotten better :D

there are so many thing that went wrong with this picture, but I htought it was a good attemt..

Animal type drwaings..
I hope you like cat's, thou the bottem one kinda reminds me of a cross between a cat and a squirl... >.<Even thou this one was a quick, doddle, I kinda liked how it turned outI was trying to draw spitfire for my little pony friendship is magic... I was close :3

Click to reveal

A pink water lily

Some art X3
Can you Guess what this is? :3

I was trying to go for a castle on a moutain with a blue path (I drew this some were after I watched Frozen) But when I showed it around I got, it's a hut, it's a moutain thing, water fall?.. >.< What did you think it was?

think I was inspired by another drawing I saw.. I am not sure either that or I just wanted to do something with water so I could get better.

waters coming down, nice that the rocks are positioned just so.. XD
I drew this because I had sucssed in drawing , woodsman hut, and I wanted my succses to keep going :)

Woodsmand hut
I started with the cliff becasue I wanted to copy another pic (I think this is what happened but it's be a long time That I don't quite remeber) but then I din't know how to do the bottom of the cliff so I added trees and the rest just stacked on and voila ^-^

Very sunny sun set. :)
Sigh, din't quite get this one right >.< I love how when the light sors is just so, beams of beautiful light streams everywere.. saddy I have yet to master that scenery. I both like this pic and don't like it, what do you think?

A boats eye view
I am un sure about this one, I drew this becasue I was bord, I din't put alot of thought into it (at least I thats what I think I didi)
if you haden't noticed, but I kinda like making sunsets/sun rises, so, ya... oh Oh also this was a cover up I had a whole emty page exsept for this little uguly drawing of a face (I was trying to use color but apperantlu pastlas can't be used the same way as pencals)


4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by JoyofGod 10/26/2016 4:09:59 pmOct 26th, 2016

I logged on.. so I might as well post something?

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10/27/2016 5:11 am
Level 37 : Artisan Vampire
Retroiih's Avatar
cool stuffs, arts can i request?
10/27/2016 11:55 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
JoyofGod's Avatar
thanks and
if you don't mind that there might be a wait
then sure ^-^

(also it depend on the request, has to be appropriate (ya it'll probably be an ok request, but I had to put that in there XD))
10/28/2016 9:35 am
Level 37 : Artisan Vampire
Retroiih's Avatar
pm you the details soon
10/28/2016 11:29 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
JoyofGod's Avatar
kk ^-^
Haru the Timelord
10/05/2015 7:18 pm
Level 11 : Journeyman Network
Haru the Timelord's Avatar
Your art is very lovely, although I have noticed that your pretty strong in drawing landscapes, you should try drawing more people so you can even out your skills. ^-^

... Unless you've already done that because this was 3 months ago;;
10/14/2015 11:15 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
JoyofGod's Avatar
XD thanks you ^-^, actually this is me working on my landscapes, I used to draw just ppl, though that was awhile ago.. so even though I used to draw ppl all the time (it was what fasinated me the most) I am probaly not as very good at it. heheh XD ....  Anyway thanks, I will draw more ppl  ^-^
06/27/2015 11:11 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Skinner
JazzyYazzy03's Avatar
Your drawings are so good. You are so talented. I wish I was that good.
06/27/2015 11:38 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
JoyofGod's Avatar
In time ;)
04/22/2015 10:08 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Blacksmith
DragonNote's Avatar
Extremely well done! My favorite part is how the words "God Bless You" is your signature :) Best signature EVERRRR
04/22/2015 11:41 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Artist
JoyofGod's Avatar
Thx ^-^
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