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i don't like the new 1.17 texture update!

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jdoggamer888's Avatar jdoggamer888
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
the new 1.17 21w08a snapshot has brought us a new texture update, firstly they changed the original iron ore the old one was better!
secondly, even sense the original coal change i like the first one better!
thirdly, they changed everything except diamond ore, i want the opposite!!!!!!!!

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03/11/2021 5:34 am
Level 21 : Expert Mage
PhantomOfficial's Avatar
Now that 20w10a is out I'm happy with the textures
02/28/2021 11:57 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Enchanter
MaiDabVl8180's Avatar
i mean im the only person that honestly likes iron new disign
the new gold texture of 21w08a is better since now it differences from nether gold
something that of 21w07a i didint like because it quitted the unique disign that nether gold had for 21w08a they changed the dising and i personally like it more it has a more gold vibe
the iron of 21w07a looks like a modified gold ore
the iron of 21w08a looks like more It looks much more ... how to explain it .. more compressed and rustic and it looks somewhat scratched as if it had been put there by forceI mean it does not look quite right but it is not crying either I say it is only a texture of an ore for example when they changed the name to the grimstone? Did we cry because the new name sucked?
We did not do it, I know that some people did not like it at all but the name change was not serious also cases like the "nether looks like a mod" are rare at first but after a few months you get used to it and start it see as usual and the most likely thing is that the same thing will happen with the new iron texture although you already know it is a snapshot so I can not say too much we just have to wait for 1.17 to come out and we judge what we think (btw diamond did not change because devs do not wants to remove the iconic diamond texture)
02/28/2021 9:35 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Miner
CrustiesAuto61's Avatar
Personally I don't like the iron and gold textures. I feel like that they should've been reverted to how they where is 21w07a. That's just my opinion
03/01/2021 9:30 am
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
jdoggamer888's Avatar
i liked the old iron change.
02/28/2021 3:08 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Miner
jdoggamer888's Avatar
acctually they are not so bad
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