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I Can't Get people to stay on my server?!?[Anyone Help]

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LilChmichael's Avatar LilChmichael
Level 3 : Apprentice Artist
I've started a minecraft server [Factions] its been fully developed and everything is working with no bugs and its been up for a month now and i can't seen to get people to join and stay I don't know why and and worrying if the investment i made will just go to waste. Anyone with any advice or comment i really need help nothing is working I've tried everything the server is on over 12 Minecraft advertisement websites and has a youtube trailer and still nothing.... So Please if anyone can help please just comment

~ Thanks Hope to hear from someone

(Please check out the server and tell me what the problem is)
IP: AntrixNation.g-s.nu

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02/27/2017 8:54 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Artist
Yeeters_'s Avatar
I'd say Advertise it on different Minecraft advertising websites.
02/25/2017 8:16 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
knightniko's Avatar
this look interesting server but what is about? the server is it PVP or RP or what?
02/25/2017 8:21 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Artist
LilChmichael's Avatar
PVP factions
02/24/2017 8:10 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Soy_Saucy's Avatar
I have seen your server, everything looks great....I am a newbie server owner too so Imma just speak from a player's perspective.

As a player (with not many friends ): ), being able to play with friends on a server is significantly important to me....so I guess you can start by making friends with players who join??? And leave a good impression???
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