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I am a Gamer, not a Gamer Girl.

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Gabysaurus's Avatar Gabysaurus
Level 46 : Master Warrior
The term “gamer girl” shouldn’t be the norm of how we say that a girl plays video games, they should just be a gamer. The second you feel the need to put a gender to a job or activity, it takes away the value of it. Why am I classified as a “gamer girl” and not just a regular gamer. My gender shouldn’t be incorporated into my pastime. If anything, if I really feel the need to point out the fact that I’m a girl, I’d rather say that I’m a female who likes to play video games, because that is taking away the focus of the fact that I’m a girl, and putting more emphasis on the fact that I enjoy to play video games. When I talk to people, I don’t go up to them and say “hey guys I’m a girl gamer”, that would be ridiculous, because obviously I’m a girl, and that shouldn’t matter. I Now I know that I’m sure a lot of people would argue and say “well hey, what about firemen and policemen,” and to you I say, why not call them how they are, firefighters and police officers, more gender neutral terms so that no one is discriminated against. To be clear with this, I’m not really angry that this term has become the norm, because it’s just how everything else is in our world, gender biased, I’m sad at the lack of people standing up for how it should be. I don’t like calling myself a gamer girl or a girl gamer, and I don’t like being called it either, because I’m neither of those things. What I am simply, is a gamer, and that’s the only thing gamers should be called.

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07/08/2016 12:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
WittLegit17's Avatar
Thank you for posting this, as this is an on-going problem that must be solved. I completley agree, 100%, and I cannot believe that people are getting categorized for something they love doing. You seem like a great person, I would love to talk to you some time about games itself. Overall, thank you for this post. :'D
07/02/2016 1:36 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Knightsundere's Avatar
I never found it to be very derogatory myself :/

It probably evolved to be that way because the stereotype for gamers back in the 90's and such was that they were guys living in their parent's basement, so the need to distinguish came around as simply as adding girl to the back end of the title. Just the same as how if women and men had both, from the beginning, been in the postage service, they would just be postal carriers (or something similar), rather than postman.

All I'm saying is that there really isn't a negative connotation to any of those terms (postman, fireman, police man, gamer girl) unless they're intentionally used as an insult. I see your sentiment, but in casual conversation, I think it's fine.
07/02/2016 10:13 am
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
Well what I was trying to get at is not that it has a negative meaning, but more that there's really no need to add gender to professions or hobbies. It bothers me because "gamer girls" have been given a reputation for being annoying and all about attention and all that and I want it to be clear to people that girls who play games, are just gamers, and that those few annoying girls who do it for attention, dont represent all of us.
Eli the Zeratoed
06/30/2016 11:36 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Professor
Eli the Zeratoed's Avatar
Well, I'm Glad we live in a time where Gender Stereotypes have nearly Disappeared due to the Internet, and I'm happy it is. I agree with 100% on what you said there. I'm a girl anyways, so this speaks to me on a spiritual level. I usually don't get offended that often, but it makes sense. You get a Golden Cookie from me, you amazing gamer, you really do. :3
06/30/2016 2:58 pm
Level 49 : Master Artist
Kayy's Avatar
I agree with you, very well said
06/30/2016 3:05 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
Happy to hear that :D
Vanguard Dawn
06/30/2016 2:08 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Button Pusher
Vanguard Dawn's Avatar
Exactly. This makes so much sense.
06/30/2016 2:09 pm
Level 46 : Master Warrior
Gabysaurus's Avatar
Glad someone else feels that way.
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