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Server setup guide

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DrakenGames's Avatar DrakenGames
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
Hey Guys,

Due to the lack of any servers starting up with a good community and owners actually knowing what to do, I feel that something should be done to help people learn how to run a server properly. That is why I created this blog, to show new server owners, or maybe even some experienced server owners, one of the proper ways to setup your server.


The first thing that leads to a good server is a good staff team. Throughout my time as a server manager, I have developed a system that allows people to have an optimal staff team without hiring too many people. It works like this:


1/ Figure out how many slots the server will have(The size of the staff team depends on how big the server is)
2/ Here are the increments for the staff size/server size/
10-30 Slots= 1-3 Admins, 3-5 Mods, 3-10 Builders
35-60= 5 Admins, 6-7 Mods, 10-15 Builders
65-100= 5-7 Admins, 8-10 Mods, 10-25 Builders
etc.(The builder position may vary due to the size and amount of server builds)


Permissions are not something you should just give to people. They are very important and can be dangerous to the server if not configured right. These are the main perms that should be given to people:


/sethome(1 home)
/back(Unless it's a pvp server)


Inherit Default Commands
/gm 1(I only give this command if I absolutely trust each of the builders)
Build in protected areas
Ability to place lava and water if it is not allowed for default


Inherit Builder and Default Commands
Access to World Edit Commands
Access to WorldGuard Commands
Cannot be kicked or banned by anyone except Head-Mod, Head-Admin, and Owner


Inherit Default Commands


Inherit Default, Builder, Head-Builder, and Moderator Commands
Ability to Demote People
Ability to add/remove people from whitelist
Cannot be kicked or banned by anyone except Head-Admin, and Owner


Inherit Default, Builder, Head-Builder, and Moderator Commands
Cannot be kicked or banned by anyone except Head-Mod, Head-Admin, and Owner


Inherit Commands from everyone except Owner
Access to GroupManager/Pex Commands
Cannot be kicked or banned by anyone except Owner

As you may have noticed:
I put the Head-Builder higher in the ranks than Moderator. I do this because I expect the Head-Builder to be able to do a moderator's job as well as being able to build well, and they must be able to run the build team on their own.


You always need rules on a server to help regulate chat and other things that might cause trouble on your server. Here are some basic rules that I use:

1/ Keep cussing to a minimum
2/ Don't hack
3/ Don't ask for items/ranks
4/ Respect all players especially staff
5/ Don't grief unclaimed land
6/ Don't spam/advertise

The rules vary from server to server. It all depends on what you believe is right, and what kind of a server it is.


So as you can see, running a server isn't that hard. All you have to do is get a good staff team, set up perms correctly, and set down some basic rules for your players I hope that this helped you and if you liked the blog then don't forget to comment below on anything else that you might want an opinion off.

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11/05/2014 6:18 pm
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