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How turtles can be powerful

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Jirek's Avatar Jirek
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
I was playing tekkit (lite) for a long time and it was awesome - all the pipes and machines. But then I discovered an awesome thing. Computercraft. Since I like programming, computercraft was interesting for me, but I was lazy to learn lua programming language. But after long time I tried it, and tekkit became much more awesome for me!

Turtles were awesome, everything was awesome, but if i couldn't make programs it would be useless. So I decided to make programs for lots of situations - because excavate function is good, but it's just excavate, nothing more. And why use theese programs just for myself, when i can share them all over the internet :D

So here you can download them from pastebin.com.

If you don't know how, just run a computer (in minecraft) and type "help pastebin".


Fill area
What is it for
This program just creates a plane made of specified material. You just have to set size of the plane.

How to use
command> FillArea x y
Place cobblestone (or yo mama) into any slot of the turtle except the last - there you place fuel. Then then type the command and turtle will do everything. Axis (x, y) are:
X is forward
Y is to the right side of the turtle


Download from here.

Border area
What is it for
This one just makes border of specified area. It's like Fill area, but hollowed.

How to use
command> BorderArea x y

Download from here.

Scan area
What is it for
This program will create a virtual map of an specified area. This map can be used for copying this area somewhere else. Program for building this map is right under this one.

How to use
command> ScanArea x y map_name
Just type the command. The last argument should be an unexisting file.

Download from here.

Build area
What is it for
This program uses virtual maps created by Scan area program. Reads them and builds what's saved there.

How to use
command> BuildArea map_name
Type the command with name of a map and fill turtle with material (the same as in the Fill area program).

Download from here.

Scan destroy area
What is it for
This one does the same thing as Scan area, except it destroys the blocks. Run only on mining turtle.

How to use
command> ScanDestroyArea x y map_name

Download from here.

Scan volume
What is it for
This program does the same thing like Scan destroy area programs, but in 3D. And also it requires Scan destroy area to be in the same directory, because this one uses it. Run only on mining turtle.

How to use
command> ScanVolume x y z map_name
Place the turtle on top of scanned area and run it. Z axis is up-down (just down).

Download from here.

Build volume
What is it for
This program uses the 3D maps to build what's saved there. So, just like Build area, but in 3D.

How to use
command> BuildVolume map_name
The turtle builds from bottom to the top, but starts by placing block under itself => don't start, when the turtle is on the ground, it must be at least one block in air.

Download from here.

Jirex tools installer
Comming soon...

Additional information

  • If the turtle can't move (because of block, mob or you), it just stops and wait until the obstacle disappears
  • If it runs out of material or fuel, it stops and waits for refill
  • Some programs uses another programs, so if you want to stop them immediately, hold Ctrl + R for restarting the turtle
  • Some programs have option that if you type "T" on the end of command (as a new parameter), it doesn't print any questions or text (except errors)

More is still comming!

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12/31/2013 12:09 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
Lol. You can use turtles to make a giant robot army if you're good enough. Imagine this. Multiple lines of turtles approach your base. They stop some 20 blocks off, then the first wave approaches and destroys the entire front wall of your castle. They pull back, the next wave "build" a bunch of TNT at the base of your inner wall, then set it off. The rest of them swarm in, kill you and all your friends, then proceed to demolish the entire castle. Bish.
12/31/2013 9:35 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Scribe
Jiloacom's Avatar
Oh the lag!
12/31/2013 8:30 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
prof_Lucus's Avatar
Oh you and your pvp tactics XD
12/31/2013 1:50 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Archer
Chetcat's Avatar
Haha, still working on that one.
12/30/2013 10:04 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Goblin
poltercreeper's Avatar
nice work, i dont play tekkit, but there are other modpacks i play that i could use this in
Planet Minecraft


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