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How to: Tame An Ocelot

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HouseEveryWeekend's Avatar HouseEveryWeekend
Level 1 : New Miner
Welcome to Daily How To Blogs! These blogs can help you expand your knowledge of Minecraft. Today you will learn how to tame an ocelot. 1) You will need to catch a fish, get 2 or 3, Ocelots can be a bit greedy at times.
2) You will need to find a jungle, these are the only places you will find a Ocelot.
3) You will need to watch carefully, Ocelots can be quite hard to find because of all the Trees and Leaves on the floor.
4) You will need to be very careful, Once you find your ocelot, you will need to be very quiet. I suggest Sneaking.
5) Hold your fish out, the ocelot will eventually be attracted to your fish.
5) once the ocelot is near, feed he/she the fish.
6) if you had enough fish, you have tamed an ocelot!

Ps. If you dont feed your tamed cat enough, she/he was move away, to become its kind once again.

Thanks for reading,


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