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How to Successfully Make a Popular Minecraft Server

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0Eliteshadow0's Avatar 0Eliteshadow0
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
I won't get into how to actually make the server itself, there are hundreds of other tutorials for that already. After making several unsuccessful servers, I have realized my mistakes and would like to share with you what you should do to make a popular Minecraft server.

1) Have a Team of Good Builders
The spawn area and other builds on your server are extremely important to how popular your server gets. Have some of your friends come on your server and help build your spawn. I recommend using stone brick, leaves, glowstone, sandstone, and nether brick together in someway, those blocks all contrast nicely. When you are making signs for rules and things, USE CORRECT GRAMMAR AND SPELLING, I cannot stress that enough! New players don't want to come on a server and thing the staff is full of a bunch of drooling idiots.

2) Advertise Your Server
There are efficient ways of publicizing your server... and then there are terrible ways of doing such. What you should do is make a post about your server on the Minecraft Forums, Planet Minecraft, Minecraft Servers, and Minestatus. These four websites are very popular with the Minecraft community and you should instantly see a boost in members on your server when you advertise your server on them. Make sure your server is finished being built and all plugins are installed and configured before you post about your server. An unfinished server will not please the masses. What you should not do is message randoms on Skype about it, they don't want to be annoyed about it. Instead, put your server IP in your status on Skype. Also, don't go on other Minecraft servers and say your IP in chat, that will just increase the risk of your server not achieving popularity.
3) You Have to Spend Money to Make Money
Now if you don't have much money you may want to save up to pay for your server. You could host it yourself but I personally recommend buying a server from Envious Host, they are very reliable, have a nice staff, and the servers are pretty cheap. I'd pay for the server unless you bought a computer just for the server itself. Use this website to see if you can run a Minecraft server or not. If you are desperate to advertise your server and step two did not work for you, some websites let you pay to have your server moved to a featured server section. This could be a huge help to your server or not, I've never tried it before.

If you follow my three simple (ish) steps you should have a pretty popular server now!
Diamond if you like, favorite if you love, and subscribe if you want more! :D
CreditI made this all myself!

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07/15/2013 10:46 am
Level 26 : Expert Explorer
Big_Deaddy's Avatar
I have followed all of these steps and haven't gotten many new players that stay on the server. There are usually 2-5 people on at once out of 48. I have put a lot of time and money into my server and I feel that nobody really cares. Are there any other ways to gain popularity in the Minecraft world?
12/31/2012 12:59 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
awj001's Avatar
Thanks dood :)
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