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How to Set Up Spleef

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llamasaur's Avatar llamasaur
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
Heyy! Mini people LOVE Minigames (See what I did there)! But one of the best by far has to be Spleef! Nothing is better than playing Spleef with strangers while listening to Avenged Sevenfold or Shinedown. Here is a tutorial on how to set up Spleef with the Minigames plugin by Razz!

1. First of all, you need to create the minigame. Do /minigame create <minigamenamehere>
2. Next, you need to set your lobby spawn. The lobby is where the players wait for the game to start and read the rules. Do /minigame set <minigamenamehere> lobby where your lobby is
3. Next, set your start point. But first you must have an arena, which you can get an idea on how to make it on google images. Do /minigame set <minigamenamehere> start where your game starts
4. Now you need to set where the players will go after they lose. Do /minigame set <minigamenamehere> end where they will respawn
5. Now set the min players. I usally do 2. /minigame set <minigamenamehere> minplayers <minimum amount of players>
6. Next your max players. I usually do 4. /minigame set <minigamenamehere> maxplayers <maximum players here>
7. Now set the quit point. /minigame set <minigamenamehere> quit whre the players will spawn if they quit the game.
8. Next is the simplest step ever. Do /minigame set <minigamenamehere> type spleef. Note: Somethimes this command doesnt work and it will say an interal error has occured.

Well thats all! Post comments if you have questions! Thanks to razz for the plugin!


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10/10/2015 1:02 am
Level 1 : New Miner
JamieTLM's Avatar
I didn't work, it just said invaild minigame type. D:

Please help.
03/01/2014 10:58 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
llamasaur's Avatar
Note: If minigame type doesnt work, let me know and I will post the manual way
08/27/2015 1:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jjmj_2956's Avatar
It didnt work type didnt work so i guessed it was /minigame set name preset spleef, and it said what you said an iternal error occured.  HELP!
02/28/2014 11:37 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
ShadowDestroyer5's Avatar
This is an ok blog, but there is no link to the actual plugin download.
03/01/2014 3:00 pm
Level 20 : Expert Engineer
llamasaur's Avatar
Thx for letting me know! I will post the link!
03/01/2014 5:20 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Dragon
ShadowDestroyer5's Avatar
:D. Glad to help.
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