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How to PvP...

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Woodlyn's Avatar Woodlyn
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Okay, so right away to start off this rant/article/tutorial, this is a rant TOO One thing I must say, is when you are playing the survival games, don't go up to someone unless you really can take them, or you can take a few hits, AND get a few good hits on them, I've had people come up to me with wood swords, and I have Full Iron! * noobs * So here are some tips on how to PvP!

SECTION ONE, SURVIVAL GAMES: Okay, first thing you want to do, is skip down a few paragraphs if you don't go to the Cornucopia. Okay, now to really starts this blog!

Chests; Chests are the key thing to winning the Survival Games, it depends on what type of server you go on.
MaloCraft: What is in the chests; Ender Pearls, Iron Swords, Food, Bows, and Arrows.
Now this is typical in many servers, such as,
And of course MaloCraft, they are all key things to make the Games, well, easier,

But in a particular server I play,
[us1.mcsg.in, ect.] You don't get Iron Swords and Ender Pearls (Can't get Ender Pearls at all,) you must craft them, and the chests aren't the same every time, Every single round there are different stuff in the chests, and no specific chests will have really good stuff, and the others lower, they are always random. This makes the Games, more challenging and legit, it has a slew of maps to vote on when you're in the lobby! So sometimes people leave because they didn't get the map they wanted, so Less People! Large Chests usually have better stuff in them, because its more loaded, and they are rare. So there are things like stone swords or iron or chain mail armor, typical stuff like that.

Skills; Regular and exotic skills for PvP: When someone is racing at you with a lot of good armor and swords, don't pull out your bow and fire a few random shots, they may hit them, but they don't stop. How do I know? I've done it before and I've been the one to run at someone and they've done it, we only think, wow noobs, You want to pull out your sword and jump to the side while still hitting them, then once they realized what happened and they can't hit you, they think its lag, so they wait for a split second maybe more, in the meanwhile you can get two or three more hits on them while they are waiting for lag spike to stop, then they realize its not lag, and they'll hit you, you may take a few hits and be low on health, but don't run away and start jumping, pull backwards or flank to the right or left real fast, preferably to the player but on their side, keep hitting them until they start to turn, instantly start to sprint and jump when you see them turn, if its a fraud turn around while clicking like your life depends on it, which it kind of does in this situation, you really should be able to kill him/her, the when they drop their items take as you possibly can, preferably the armor weapons and food, most definitely sticks, no matter what have a good supply of sticks with you, look for ingots and diamonds, later on I will make a iffy chart about armor protection and sword. Now to the bows, only use bows when people are at 15-50 blocks away, and don't shoot when you definitely know you can't make the shot, so what you want to do, and this is pretty hard to determine when you 30 blocks away but try to aim 8 or 4 pixels above their head, depending on how close they are, also, power is important, the more power the more damage. New lets talk about the Cornucopia, it can be a good thing and a bad thing, the Cornucopia typically has better items then the ones placed around the map, so it's life risking to go in the middle because you might get a sword in the back, a few hits and you're dead, and when you start getting hit, 75.7594758888888888% of the time they come after you, so that's the Cornucopia for you. Section two yet to come, I want to do other things in my life, but ask me some questions about PvP and I will most likely answer within a day!

Spreading rainbows and Gold with leprechauns through out the world, Nate

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02/01/2013 12:54 am
Level 24 : Expert Dragonborn
Dalek_Thal's Avatar
Couldn't read half of it, because there are no paragraphs. I will give you advice when this is fixed
02/01/2013 8:20 am
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Woodlyn's Avatar
Fixed the paragraph problem
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