Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How To: Post a PMC Project

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moist-mason's Avatar moist-mason
Level 29 : Expert Geek
This is  for people who frequently get projects removed due to not enough information or pictures. This guide will help you avoid that by using this format

What is <Name of Project>

Tell if it is a Map, Resource Pack, or Mod. 

If it is a map...:
     * List What Versions are recommended for any commands to work
     * Tell How many players can play
     * Tell if you will allow people to put it on servers
If it is a mod...:
     * List the recommended minecraft and/or forge versions to install.
     * List what kind of mod it is (i.e. New Dimensions, Items, Enchants/Effects, etc.)
     * List if it is possible to alter the settings using config/Options
If it is a resource pack...:
     * Tell what versions to use

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I hope you enjoyed this little guide. If you are new. I recommend this :)

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