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How to Play Hypixel SkyBlock [4] - Foraging

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Mr_Nobody1166's Avatar Mr_Nobody1166
Level 25 : Expert Engineer
Most people start Hypixel SkyBlock and have no idea what to do. These series of posts are intended to fix that. This is the second of a tutorial series for Hypixel SkyBlock is to take you from punching your first log on SkyBlock to killing your first dragon. These posts are going to be laid out in four sections. 1: The introduction; 2: The body of the post; 3: The summary and conclusion; 4: The YouTube video. Each of these posts will be released after every SkyBlock video released on my channel, so every 1-2 weeks. With that over, let’s get into it!

Today, we will be exploring the foraging skill. To do that, we’re going to head to the forest, and talk to the Lumberjack, who informs you of his sick woodcutting assistant and asks you to chop down some logs in exchange for “his old axe”. You will need to collect 10 logs, and at the time of writing, the logs collected on the island counted toward that count. Once you’ve done that and you talk to Lumberjack, he will give you a sweet axe, which will randomly drop apples from wood when mined.

  He now asks you to meet his associate to collect Birch Wood from The Park, which is located behind the forest. Once you enter the Park, your objective becomes to collect 64 birch logs. Once you’ve done that, you can talk to Charlie, and he gives you 100 coins and asks you to collect some dark oak logs. To collect those, head to the back of the Birch Park, and there will be a small launchpad leading to the Spruce Woods. In front of you will be another launchpad leading to the Dark Thicket, where you can collect dark oak. Your objective is to reach Foraging V, and I’m not sure how much dark oak you need to give to Charlie, but it’ll work… at some point.

  Anyway, you can then chop all of the wood types, and I recommend chopping enough of each wood type to unlock the recipe for that minion. Then, Charlie will give you a “Small Storage”, which acts as three extra storage slots for your minion when you place one next to it. Now with that over, let’s check out all the NPCs on the islands.

  The first is Vanessa, and she is to the right of the Birch Park at -309/83/-70. She allows you to buy rain for 5000 coins. You may ask, “How is this useful”? Well, it isn’t, at least until we start fishing, but more on that later. The next is Gustave, who is on the left of the Spruce Woods at -383/89/54. He informs you that he loves racing across the islands, and you can do so, and if you do it in less than two minutes, you will be rewarded. The place you need to go on the other end is at the Jungle Island, and it is at these coordinates: -406/128/-118. Once you’re done, you will be rewarded with a Polished Pebble, which has no use at the time of writing.

  Now let’s move on to the Viking. He is also in the Spruce Woods, and he is near Gustave, and you need to cross a bridge to get to him. You will find him in a house at -357/91/76, and he will say that he misses the sea, and asks you to remind him. I’ll go into how to remind him in a future post, but for right now, all you need to know is that reminding him of the sea will open up a shop full of high-level items that are too expensive at this stage in the game.

  The next NPC is named Ryan, and he is in the Dark Thicket at -331/103/-102. He will prompt you to join the Campfire Cult through an initiation process of surviving the fire for ten seconds. Once you’ve completed that, talk to him, and he’ll inform you that the fire ignores your defense, and then asks you to survive the second trial to earn the Campfire Initiate Badge, which is a talisman. I’ll explain them later. If you fail a trial you don't die, so you don’t need to worry about losing any coins in your purse.

  Now we’re going to visit Master Tactician Funk, who is really into OP wood swords and has a shop selling the Tactician’s Sword, which deals damage for your combat collections, and Wood Singularities, which adds 100 strength points to any wooden sword. He is located at the back of the Savanna Woodland at -461/110/-15. The final NPC that we will talk to today is Melody at -398/110/31, and she allows you to play songs on a harp to earn intelligence points. Once you’ve completed all of the songs, you get Melody’s Hair, which is another talisman. There are two more NPCs here, but they will be saved for a later date.

That’s it for this blog! In the next one, you will learn about the Mining skill. If you liked this, leave a diamond on top, and if you want, watch the video below, subscribe to my YouTube channel, and leave a like. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


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