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How To Make Player Statues!

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Mrl0wbehigh's Avatar Mrl0wbehigh
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
In this tutorial I will be showing you how to make in-game 3D statues of your minecraft skin! (or anyone else's)
I hope you enjoy!

Step 1 - Find a Skin!
For this tutorial I will be using BlubBlubWhat's Nerki
You could use any skin you would like for this

Step 2 - Get The Blocks Closest To Your Skin's Colors
Get the blocks in-game closest to your Minecraft skin's colors
You don't need to shade as much as the skin so just the base colors would work
For the skin I am using I will be using these colors

Step 3 - Start Building!
We first want to start with feet
So whatever color the bottom layer is place it
It would be 8 blocks long
The entire of the legs would go up 12 blocks
And it would be 4 blocks wide
Here I have the base started
Continue building until you have the legs complete
Here you see mine
After this you could build the torso of your skin
It would still be 8 blocks long and 4 blocks wide
It would also be 12 blocks high
Continue to build that
Here we see my torso
I normally build the head after the Torso
The head is 8x8x8
Meaning 8 wide, 8 tall, 8 long
So on the back and front side of the body make it protrude 2 blocks
I have now finished the head
Now we will do the arms
they are 12 blocks tall, 4 wide and 4 long
Normally I have them 5 wide so you could tell the difference between the torso
I think it looks better but it is just a matter of preference
It will start with the torso and end with the torso
We have now finished both of the arms  have completed the tutorial!

I hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to diamond and show your friends

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10/21/2017 7:43 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Birb Lad
chickenpants93's Avatar
hey! cool boots buddy!
06/30/2015 12:32 am
Level 39 : Artisan Lava Rider
blubblubwhat's Avatar
Thanks for using my skin!
Really cool blog, very helpfull!
06/30/2015 7:48 am
Level 45 : Master Pixel Painter
Mrl0wbehigh's Avatar
No problem!
Planet Minecraft


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