Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Make GOOD Blogs!

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zachstar1998's Avatar zachstar1998
Level 42 : Master Turtle
Are you struggling to make a Good Blog?

Do you strain your brain for Ideas?

Well follow my simple 6 step guide and you'll be a blog making genuis in no time!

Step 1: DON'T Ever Make a Herobrine Blog!

People think making blogs about "Herobrine" will make them popular. Truth is, when you make a blog about the imfamous Herobrine, people just get really annoyed and angry. Okay I admit, the story from CreepyPasta was epic, but after a while, It just kept getting lamer and lamer. To all the "New Miners" out there. Do not make a blog about Herobrine. They are un-original and just plain stupid.

Step 2: DO use proper grammar!

Everytime you use a word like "thx" or "plwz" it makes you sound like and immature 2 year old. If you want people to like your blog then always try to do the best at grammar/spelling you can. I like to go over my posts when I'm done writing so I always know if there are any mistakes. Even if you miss one and someone points it out, go straight away and fix it ( unless your really busy )

Step 3: DO use photos!

Everyone likes a photo, right? When you post a blog you are more likely to get more views if you post a photo with it. People like funny memes and/or attractive Photoshop images. Try you best to make one, or just grap one of the internet. Whatever floats you boat!

Step 4: DON'T make flame blogs!

No one likes someone who makes a blog just to put a person/religion/race or culture down. This can be seriously offensive to some people and will most likely earn you a ban from one of the moderators. The ban can a short one or can be permanant. Think before you type and make sure you blog isn't hurting someone or some people because it can get you in trouble.

Step 5: DO make you blog about something original!

I have seen to many blogs about pointless things. I see something on the popular reel and 5 minutes later someone else posts a blog about the same thing! It actually frustrates me! Some people don't even try to make their blog original. They make a 1 sentence statement and add random words to fill up the word minimum. Making your blog original DOES pay off!

Step 6: DO update your blog!

I do it all the time, If I want something to add then I add it! I don't make an entirely new blog dedicated to that one thing. Keep updating it from time to time so more people can look at and read your blog. Just look at my famous "How to get more people to subscribe to YOU!" blog. I kept updating and people kept reading, commenting and even giving me diamonds. I also got a few favourites too! So the more you update, the more views and XP you will get from it!

This has been another How to blog by zachstar1998

Peace out,


2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by zachstar1998 03/31/2012 9:57:24 pmMar 31st, 2012

One more sub-heading

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10/25/2012 3:17 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Pokemon
LeoL274's Avatar
very helpful tips!
04/05/2012 5:30 am
Level 28 : Expert Pony
Blakieboy_24's Avatar
This comment is just to get ur attentention now check ur pm
04/01/2012 4:36 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Pony
milbelle's Avatar
u spelled fav. wrong and ty and can u look at my blogs and tell me if they need something added to them or something like that
04/01/2012 11:44 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
torchic4me's Avatar
04/01/2012 11:46 am
Level 42 : Master Turtle
zachstar1998's Avatar
HAHA! Well I love you to!
04/01/2012 11:55 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
torchic4me's Avatar
03/31/2012 11:14 pm
Level 22 : Expert Explorer
Brink_'s Avatar
Thanks for another helpful blog Zach.
03/30/2012 10:59 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Creeper Hugger
creepinalong's Avatar
i still cant get over how you cheated death
03/30/2012 11:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Turtle
zachstar1998's Avatar
Sometimes it still amazes me :)
03/31/2012 10:05 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc48466's Avatar
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