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How to Make an Amazing Faction in Minecraft Factions

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StarryArtz's Avatar StarryArtz
Level 26 : Expert uwu

When most people talk about factions in a blog they say, UNRAIDIBLE BASE!!, or THE BEST FACTION! but that is truly hard maybe impossible so, I'm going to teach you how to make your faction better.

1. Get More Power
getting more power is the number one thing on my list because it is crucial to your success. Even if the server that you play on doesn't require the power to claim land, It is still crucial. You see the more power that you get the stronger that you become and if you become strong then, people will want to ally you. the way you can get power is by inviting more people to your faction or, getting a power booster upgrade.

2.Inviting the right people
As I said in the last tip, you need to invite people so you get power. This isn't that hard to do because new people come in every day and beg. Still, here's the bad part, about 70 percent of those new guys want to join your faction, steal lotta stuff and then leave. It's pretty annoying. There is still a way to mostly keep then out. if you have an alliance with a lot of other factions, if so, write a little book and quill saying that if they leave the faction without a good reason then, you will tell the whole alliance to not invite them into their factions. Then tell them that they have to sign it. This should keep the raiders away.

3. Building a good base
n my last blog, I talked about tricks for building your base. In case you haven't read it then I will give a quick overview here. The first thing that you should NEVER do is build a land base. Land bases are for noobs and you should build them. When you are building an underground base you should not use flashy colors, if you do x-rayers will spot you and you can use dispensers instead of chests. If you are building a sky base, build it small so people cant see it and if you build it in a dessert biome out of sandstone then it will be extra protected from mini maps.

4. Get Lots of allies!
Allies help you on raids, don't raid you and most importantly, cant kill you so you see why you'd want to have allies. Even more so, if you ally big faction they will help you turn into a big faction. ill also talk about eneming. If you want to enemy someone then become a big faction because you do not want to enemy someone until you become a big faction.

5.Build your base in a good spot
I already talked about building a good base but, you also need to put your base in a good spot. Now, most people will think to go to the world border but, in most cases, you shouldn't. The only time to put your base next to the border is if you get a corner and the only time that you should put your base in a corner is if you are a big faction. If your spawn point is in the middle, (like most spawn points) then you should have your base in between the world border and the spawn point. So have your base 2000 blocks out.

Thank you for reading! I hope that you found these tips useful!


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