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How to keep yourself motivated to play an Anarchy/Survival Server (AnarchyMC)

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Folz's Avatar Folz
Level 29 : Expert Cowboy
Anarchy servers are one of the most brutal places to play. Many things can deter players from the harsh environment. However, once you play a server long enough you always get hooked. The only problem is when you dedicate yourself a long time to a server and play no other places.
That is when you lose motivation to play. The thought process:
"I have done so much in-game. What else is left for me to do."

This post will try to help you keep your love for playing an Anarchy server high!

To keep yourself from losing motivation to play/build you must:

You must understand that you could go through a loss of motivation often depending on how you redirect the negative energy towards the server.

A few things you can do are:

1. Go to spawn and explore it. If you are in a dry time (such as waiting for 1.13) going to spawn can remind you of the events that had taken place before you came back. You can remember back to a time where spawn was clean and crisp. Also, you can go and find small projects to do around spawn. EX: build a spawn sanctuary, house, lava cast, grief, give supplies out, etc. There are many things you can do at spawn if you just attempt to do something it will take your mind off of the loss of motivation.

2. Come on PMC account and download some of my worlds. All of my worlds have been built by me or found on AnarchyMC. They can remind you of what others have done and inspire you to leave behind a large legacy.

3. Grind. If you die while building, fighting, griefing, or exploring you will have no armor and tools to replace what you lost! So, getting more than what you need in a drypoint will help you out in the future.

4. Do something you have never done before. Never fought the wither? Make it a goal and achieve it! Do not have all the advancements? Go advancement hunting! Never fought the ender dragon? Never been to the end? Never made an end grinder? Never raided an end city? There are many things that you can go out into the world and do!

5. Explore the creative side of the game. Write a journal about your adventures and thoughts about the server/world. Write stories and pass it to new players at spawn for them to read and enjoy. Make a map art and give it out to other players. Make a YouTube video about the server to get it more players. Create banners for people to see at spawn and wonder whos it is.

6. Last and finally take a break. Not all players can stay online 24/7 and always find something to do. It is simply impossible! If you can though gg.

If you would like to join the server I play ip: amc.mcmultiplayer.net

Thank you for reading over this. I hope it helped and inspired some players to keep playing!

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06/27/2018 8:13 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Architect
LightlySaltedBuilder's Avatar
"2. Come on PMC account and download some of my worlds. All of my worlds have been built by me or found on AnarchyMC. They can remind you of what others have done and inspire you to leave behind a large legacy."

Harmless advertising.
07/02/2018 1:38 pm
Level 29 : Expert Cowboy
Folz's Avatar
06/25/2018 10:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BLOCK567's Avatar
thank you kanye very cool
06/25/2018 10:12 pm
Level 29 : Expert Cowboy
Folz's Avatar
Just your average minecrafter here! haha
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