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How to Give/Respond to Constructive Criticism

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Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
Now that your here your probably wondering how does someone give/respond to constructive criticism. Well you are now at least, because why else would you be reading this. I think...right? Anyway I digress, the proper way to give constructive criticism is to just not care and say it. For example "Hey....you there......your stuff is bad/good." The end, hope you liked my blog it was real hard to make all 73 words of it. (Sarcasm) See ya guys next year.

Ok bad example, the real way to give constructive criticism, is......well first actually before we give a proper example lets give another bad example. If you didn't already notice the first one was bad. I hoped you did at least, did you? Anyway anyway, another bad example but not so obvious is one where you only give bad feedback. For instance "Hey you build lacks in almost every department, if I was a store my shelves would be empty and the store would be filing for bankrup..." Ok maybe took it a little too far with that example, but you get the point right? You take the time to say all your thoughts like you "care" but don't give any positive reinforcement. For constructive criticism to work successfully you need to give positives. Like "Hey you did this part really nice." Something like that. Now I don't mean to do this. "Your project is terrible I hope your pleased with yourself, but nice name :)"

No don't do that, your just adding injury to insult when you do give like 90% bad feedback and then like some weird positive feedback at the very end. It's almost as if I was to steal everything in your house but leave you with a microwave and a cup of noodles. We don't wanna do that, why were you even thinking that?

When giving constructive criticism give like at least somewhere around 50% positives. Positives like "Nice use of this resource pack" or "Nice creativity with making this, I never would have thought of that." You wanna flatter the person. Now your probably thinking to yourself. "BUT STEALTHY, WHAT IF WHAT THEY MADE IS REALLY BAD? WHAT THEN?" Well my totally I forgot to turn caps lock off friend, all you need to do is be nice about it. Your wondering again now, how do I do that? Well just say something along the lines of "Needs some work, try fixing this and that; and I think that would make it much better."

How to Give/Respond to Constructive Criticism

See how simple that was? Ok I know what your all thinking. "Wow stealthy so difficult...." I know but that was just the first part of giving nice constructive criticism. The second part is how to actually give good feedback. Saying this is bad or this is good or change this up doesn't do a whole lot. Your giving constructive criticism because you actually want the person to improve their work, not just so you can show how better you are or something.

For this you need to actually critically examine what was made in the first place. Find what they did good, did wrong, and how they can improve. Then simply just say what they could improve in good detail so they can get a clear picture of what you are talking about and then actually implement the advice being given. For example with the castle below.

"Your castle could have been built wider with much taller walls, a wider mote around the perimeter of the castle. Possibly a half closed gate by using fence blocks. The middle portion could have been brought down much lower or used the space more effectively to make smaller buildings within the castle itself. All in all though this was a very good start and for the relatively small size of the build you used the space pretty well and that dirt blocks around the the castle were also placed nicely. "

How to Give/Respond to Constructive Criticism

That right there above is an example of good constructive criticism, be honest but don't be overly frank and make sure to nicely comment the person on what they did right.

Finally we talk about how to receive the feedback. At the end of the day all that constructive criticism comes down to is advice. You can choose to accept and use that advice or not. Maybe you think the advice given was bad, or didn't apply to you for such and such reason. Advice though shouldn't be dismissed half-heartedly it should be recognized and evaluated before accepting or dismissing it.

If you wanna practice your constructive criticism go ahead and comment below with something I did wrong or could have done better with this blog and how I could have fixed it. I will then give my own feedback on what you did good and could do better. To sorta bring that feedback loop full circle. Because a lot of people are used to either giving it or taking it but for some reason never quite get enough of both.

Thanks everybody for taking time to read my blog and have a good day.

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07/22/2018 3:54 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
This is a mean comment >:(
06/02/2018 2:57 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Network
Nightshade73's Avatar
You should upload more :D
06/02/2018 3:05 am
Level 51 : Grandmaster Network
Nightshade73's Avatar
Wait. #1 be cool..


#2 make a sandwich..

I like how you uploaded a blog informing people how to formally give criticism.
But I don't like how this is the only thing you have uploaded in months

So if you uploaded more (fleet month ;D) Id love it
#2a end with compliment

yeah, I like ur blog tho
#3 be specific

look at submissions ;O

#4 Actions not character

I would like to see more actions from you in the form of submissions

#5 Use diplomatic language

no u

#6 Follow up

k cyah in 3 days 🔫

I want to die
06/04/2018 8:13 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
I gotcha ya bro.
02/28/2018 8:26 pm
Level 41 : Master Ninja
Shimoto's Avatar
Hey STEALTHy, your blog is good.
02/27/2018 3:48 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
"Because a lot of people are used to either giving it or taking it but for some reason never quite get enough of both." Too damn true. Good on you for posting this. There are a lot of people out there that need to read this.

"It's almost as if I was to steal everything in your house but leave you with a microwave and a cup of noodles." And I found this hilarious.
02/27/2018 11:06 am
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Tiger
ThatGuyCalledTiger's Avatar
Sixshot needs to see this
02/27/2018 4:59 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Soldier
STEALTHy's Avatar
I actually made it for Sixshot lol
08/22/2019 12:34 am
Level 34 : Artisan Magical Girl
sslaptnhablhat's Avatar
It's funny, a good portion of Tigahz' "constructive criticisms" are virtually identical to both bad examples you listed above.
02/27/2018 2:58 am
Level 55 : Grandmaster Engineer
BioPowered's Avatar
My response to constructive criticism, "I can't build?! YOU can't build! Now go away or I'll tell my parents! Excuse me, I'm done with this conversation. I will destroy everything I've ever build and go back to folding paper planes...".

I love this little conversation that happened in the comments. Gold! xD
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