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How To Get The Right Staff?

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queketth's Avatar queketth
Level 32 : Artisan Geek
Ok so I browsing through the Minecraft blogs and found loads of posts about how to be good staff etc. But if you are a server Admin / Owner how do you go about getting the right staff for your server? After all staff look after the server when you are not there and is probably the single most important part to a successful server.

Top Tips

One size doesn't fit all!
There is no point posting in PMC chat that you are looking for server staff and getting bombarded with begging kids, It is much better to run an organised application process through the PMC forums where you can really look for who is going to be best for the server. You should ask: Name, In-game Name, Age, Experience, Why [your server]? The last question is particularly important!

This is important! If you promote a griefing swearing kid just because you think they are funny you are going to lose players quickly! Remember- Maturity doesn't always come with age, very often it does however; I know very young Minecraft players that would do a far better staff job than immature trouble makers.

Some server specifics can be learnt with experience but people desire staff to be there to guide them and know the server inside out, this includes the commands for the plugins in which the server uses. The rules of the server, the various limits (Sethome etc). This is like a knowledge test and before you promote someone check that they know these basics by a quick server quiz. This doesn't have to be formal just hey [username], what is the command to pay another user? you get the idea...

For me it is very important that any new staff member gets along with the rest of the server community and the only way to ensure this is to make sure that they have played and earned the respect of other players first.

This staff member is going to be acting as your eyes and ears when you are not there you need to make sure that you can trust them and that they don't make things up to get someone thats annoyed them banned etc. This is a crucial factor and again something that can only be earned with time.

So where do you find staff?
For the respect reason mentioned above I like to recruit staff that are existing players within the server community. However this does not mean that I give staff to any begging kids, far from it I usually pick the slightly more introvert and talented players that contribute to the server and have interesting conversation. Ask existing staff that you already know and trust if they recommend anyone on the server, that way you can keep and eye on promoting them in the future.

Have a trail staff account
Have a trail staff account first where they can learn the basic commands until they are trusted with commands that have the ability to cause server damage.

You don't need to Skype them
I have read so many mod / admin adverts where they demand you must have Skype. Why? You can set up staff chat on the server or many other methods of communication but don't force someone to Skype you. However this said it is important to have another form of contact detail incase problems do occur with the server.

Don't give anyone OP permissions to your server
This could potentially lead to the death of your server if the permissions for your server are set up properly there should be no need for anyone but yourself to be OP.

Great server staff don't just drop out of the sky, don't just blindly promote people from PMC just because they asked you need to take time and consideration over your server staff to ensure the happiness of both yourself and all your players in the future :D

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11/19/2013 8:07 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
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Like i said Beautiful
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