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Minecraft Skin Viewer on Mac - A Skinning Tutorial

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DatMuffinMan's Avatar DatMuffinMan
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
If you clicked on this blog, you probably use a mac to make skins, and if you use a mac to make skins, you probably know that Minecraft Skin Viewer is not available for mac.

You've all seen people like Leostereo and other good skinners say they use this program to create their skins, and it is, in fact, extremely useful. Before, this has always been seen as a handicap for mac users.

However, there is actually a great way to run the MC Skin Viewer (which is, in fact, a .exe file), on a mac! This tutorial is basically going to talk about how to run Minecraft Skin Viewer on your mac easily, as well as what programs I use to make skins (a great alternative for Paint.NET, another program used by great skinners).

First, let's get to why you came here in the first place - to find out how to run Minecraft Skin Viewer on your mac. First, you need to download an app called Wineskin, which can be found over here. You'll need to update the engine - click the plus sign...

Minecraft Skin Viewer on Mac - A Skinning Tutorial

and then hit "Download and Install.."

Minecraft Skin Viewer on Mac - A Skinning Tutorial

Next, you'll need to update the "wrapper version" as well by just hitting update over here -

Minecraft Skin Viewer on Mac - A Skinning Tutorial

Both of these buttons are immediately available when you open the Wineskin Winery app.

Once you do that, hit "Create New Blank Wrapper," and type in whatever you want the name to be. For convenience purposes, I suggest calling it Minecraft Skin Viewer, though it doesn't matter.

Wait for everything to finish, and CLICK CANCEL WHEN IT ASKS ABOUT GECKO. This is an unnecessary browser that Wineskin prompts you to install as a replacement for Internet Explorer, which macs do not have installed.

Finally, when everything finishes, it'll prompt you asking to view the wrapper in Finder. Hit "OK," and you should be brought back to the 'homescreen,' if you will, of Wineskin Winery. If you'd like, you can exit out of this window.

Once everything is complete, search for the name of the Blank Wrapper that you just created in spotlight (the little magnifying glass in the top-right corner of your mac). Click on it when it comes up in the results, and you should come up with the following window:

Now, before you do anything, you'll need to download the Minecraft Skin Viewer program over here.

When it finished downloading, double-click on the the .zip file in Finder, and then drag the .exe file that appears to your Desktop (this is just so you can find it easier later on).

Go back to to the Wineskin window, and click on "Install Software." Click on "Choose Setup Executable" on the top, and select the .exe file you dragged to your Desktop.

Once it finished loading (this can take a minute or so), you should have Minecraft Skin Viewer running on your mac :D

Note: After you close it, to be able to open it again, you'll need to quit all Wine-related apps, including the Skin Viewer, and search for the wrapper again, click "Install Software," and choose the .exe file again. I have not found a working method to do this more efficiently :/

Note: To be able to access your skin files in the Skin Viewer, you'll need to right click on the window, and get to the drop-down menu of "toolbars," and then select Skin File. Store all of your skin .png's on your desktop as well, so that you can find them when you click on "choose file" on the toolbar.

Now, on to part two, which is about what I use to make skins. It's a free app called "Paintbrush," and you can download it over here. This is a great replacement for Paint.NET, which for some reason did not work properly with Wineskin.

Once you download it, open it, and click cancel when it asks you about the size of the canvas. Open another skin file, or a skin template, and zoom in however many times you'd like (small button in the bottom left). Although many don't know about this, Paintbrush actually has the transparent pencil tool, as well as the HSB Sliders (Hue, Saturation, Brightness) which are so dear to the Paint.NET community. I won't teach you about hue shifting - you can find that somewhere else, but I will show how to do it in Paintbrush.

First, make sure that the following toolbar is available. If not, hit Shift+Command+T on your keyboard.

Quick Side Note- Make sure you're set to Stroke 1, which is exactly 1 pixel in size.

Next, hit the colorful square on the bottom of the toolbox, and you should get this window. If you already have it, bare with me :P

Don't worry about my sliders and such, I was in the middle of making a skin while writing this tutorial. To get to the HSB Sliders, click the second button from the left in this window (it looks like a red and a green slider), click the drop down menu, and change it from Grayscale to HSB Sliders. Boom.

Once you're done, it should look like this:

From here on out, the Saturation/Hue shifting should be obvious as far as what to do/slide.

To use the transparent pencil technique, simply change the opacity on the bottom of this window, and click on any given pixel as many times as needed to blend colors. Boom.



Anyway, that's the end of this tutorial, it took quite a long time to create, so I hope you enjoyed it :D

feel free to diamond and favorite this tutorial if you like it, and subscribe if you want to see more of my work!


DISCLAIMER - I did not create Wineskin Winery, nor did I create Minecraft Skin Viewer, and nor did I create Paintbrush for Mac. I don't claim any rights to any software mentioned in this tutorial, and I made it simply to educate readers.

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03/17/2014 2:32 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Turtle
KingNappa's Avatar
You use a Mac?
11/13/2013 7:56 pm
Level 42 : Master Batman
Patriots_Terran's Avatar
Awesome! xD helped meh quite a bit bro
11/13/2013 8:33 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
DatMuffinMan's Avatar
glad to help :D
09/20/2013 12:48 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Sporadicamente's Avatar
Very helpful :)
09/20/2013 2:58 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
DatMuffinMan's Avatar
09/03/2013 8:05 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Parknight959's Avatar
Ahhhh yess! Thank you so much! I had SkinEdit.jar for the longest time because I couldn't find a better skin editor for mac... but now... thanks!
09/03/2013 8:06 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
DatMuffinMan's Avatar
you're welcome! glad this tutorial is still relevant :)
09/03/2013 8:47 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Crafter
Parknight959's Avatar
Do you still use this skin editor?
09/03/2013 8:53 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Pixel Puncher
DatMuffinMan's Avatar
06/13/2013 6:36 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Network
lecraeman's Avatar
From what I know you can export a native .app for mac from wineskin. Why didn't you just give a download?

UPDATE: Just finished reading. I see now that you couldn't find a way to. Plus, They seem to have completely redone the way Wine works :L I had used it several years ago.
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