Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to find diamonds

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RockingMiner's Avatar RockingMiner
Level 24 : Expert Narwhal
Today i shall tell you how to find diamonds.
Press F3 to view current level and biome.

Step 1. Cut some trees and make wooden tools.

Step 2. Make shelter

Step 3. Get stone and coal

Step 4. Make stone tools and torches.

Step 5. Mine down to levels 50 - 7 to look for iron.

Step 6. Smelt iron and make tools

Step 7. Go down to levels 16 - 1. Levels 12 and 7 are the most common for finding diamonds.

Step 8. Make diamond stuff and be a BLAWK!!!

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10/01/2012 10:37 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Creeper Hugger
minecraftfan6543's Avatar
like a blawk, (like a boss!)
Planet Minecraft


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