Minecraft Blogs / Tutorial

How to Create AWESOME Minecraft Profile Pictures!

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Dorcupi's Avatar Dorcupi
Level 27 : Expert Blockhead Network

UPDATE!: Pixlr X has come out with a update that makes it paid. A good alternative is Sumopaint (https://paint.sumo.app/)

0. Introduction & Requirements

Have you had BLAND Minecraft profile pictures with no FLAVOUR.

Well in this tutorial I'll be teaching you how to up those boring pictures to things that everyone will like.

For this tutorial you will need...
  • A device that has a big screen
  • A browser
  • A Minecraft skin

1. Making the body

First, you will want to head over to McHead by McHorse (https://mchorse.github.io/mchead/)

Once you get to this page import your Minecraft skin using the button by the side.

How to Create AWESOME Minecraft Profile Pictures!

Once you do this you need to uncheck Head Only. You can uncheck Flat if you want but I personally like it on. Now angle it the way you want. My personal settings are 40 Yaw and 10 Pitch.

How to Create AWESOME Minecraft Profile Pictures!

Now right click the image on the right (or hold if you are on mobile) and select Copy image

2. Designing the profile picture

Now you want to head over to Pixlr X (https://pixlr.com/x/#home)

Create a new project and make it 512px x 512px

How to Create AWESOME Minecraft Profile Pictures!

Once you create it you need to make a BACKGROUND!

In the layers tab click the plus and add a shape. Make the shape fill up the entire of the picture using the edges. Then you want to go to the fill tab in the transform area.

Go to the gradient area and pick a gradient. I prefer the more simple ones but ANY gradient is better than ANY PLAIN color. You can tweak a couple settings on your own but this is what I came up with.

Now you can finally paste in your Minecraft character. Size and position your character to your liking! For the best results, position and size it so only his upper body is showing. Once you are done all these steps you should finally have something like this...

You can add finishing touches or you can export it. Hope you enjoyed this tutorial and please subscribe to my page!

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05/03/2023 10:53 am
Level 23 : Expert Mage
goldwings42's Avatar
that's cool.
Papa Enny
01/30/2023 12:26 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Scapegoat Dwarf
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