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Minecraft | Servers | How to create a Bukkit server [Mac]

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Fudgiedillol's Avatar Fudgiedillol
Level 20 : Expert Network
Recently, i have made a Bukkit server, and it took me forever to find out how to do it, because I am on a mac. What sucks about that is that people hardly upload videos and stuff about macs. Well now I have decided to help out the PMC community by posting this blog. Here are the steps.
  1. Create a folder named on your desktop "CraftBukkit"
  2. Download the Craftbukkit build on the Bukkit forums.
  3. Drag the build into the folder.
  4. Go into "Text Edit", already installed on macs.
  5. Go into "Format -> Make Plain Text", and type these words exactly:
cd "$( dirname "$0" )"
java -Xms1024M -Xmx1024M -jar craftbukkit.jar -o true

6. Click "Save" and name it "start.command".
7. Drag it into your "CraftBukkit" folder.
8. Go into Terminal, and type "chmod a+x " and DON'T CLOSE IT.
9. Drag "start.command" into the terminal window, and then press enter.
10. Now you are ready to go! Just go into your "CraftBukkit" folder, and double-click start.command, and it should come up! To find your ip adress, go to "System Preferences -> Network", and it should show up as the ip right before your eyes!

Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it!

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08/07/2013 9:23 pm
Level 26 : Expert Cowboy
Nopefully's Avatar
just for that picture, favorite.
12/30/2012 10:41 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
eeke344's Avatar
i was just about to make a blog on this same subject but you beat me too it by 2 minutes lol
12/30/2012 10:42 pm
Level 20 : Expert Network
Fudgiedillol's Avatar
oh sorry lol
12/30/2012 10:48 pm
Level 45 : Master Blob
eeke344's Avatar
nah its ok ill make one another time
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