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How minecraft became minecraft

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Foreigner55's Avatar Foreigner55
Level 1 : New Explorer
Hello there the names foreigner and you may or may not know me. But that doesn't matter because I will now reveal to you my theory of minecraft!!!!!!!

This theory will be divided into parts so let's start.

The first builders

The first builders were a race that came before the others (we'll get to them later) they were as you could probably guess builders they figured out how to manipulate blocks and figured out such rudimentary things as placing a block on top of another block which was revolutionary at the time. They built marvelous structures which were so beautiful they brought tears of joy to those who looked upon them. They were rather bored though with the simple materials they could obtain. So they conceived a method of crafting.

Using the basic tools they created they then designed crafting tables that they could use to craft many thing. One day a rift appeared in the middle of one of the first builders structures. The structure was a ring of obsidian which had been created using genius methods. The rift was contained by the obsidian and the first builders began to experiment with it. Their scientists were enthralled by the portal. They sent test subjects through who mutated into wither skeletons. The first builders went in to see what happened and hightailed it out of there as soon as they saw the skeles.

The first builders were scared after that they knew that they had no way of closing the portal. They sent in a band of adventurers with some cube and squid companions. The adventurers soon discovered that the nether was a living creature an eldritch abomination that makes the (not yet existent) wither look like a bat. They knew they had to stop the abomination which had already mutated their pets into magma cubes and ghasts (adding to the ranks of the pre existent ghasts and magma cubes (really white blood cells and red blood cells)). They escaped through the portal and reported their finding and after a couple of days mining destroyed the portal frame which close the portal (go figure).

They had discovered through their research that the nether was under the overworld and they knew that they had to stop it. So they put together all their creative powers and created the most indestructible block in the universe: bedrock. They covered the entire bottom of the world with it. Then, knowing their work was done, they developed a special type of rock and created spaceships out of it then they flew away from the world. They evolved into creatures called endermen so that they could pick up almost any block effortlessly. They created a dragon to guard the mother ship and shell golems (shulkers) to guard their ship cities. They left some of their knowledge behind in case new intelligent life arose.

The four species

New intelligent life did indeed arise. Four species of intelligent life in fact. The first were the humans. Humans had a similar body shape to Steve and took after the first builders a bit. They developed new crafting recipes and built great cities. They also mined and explored and experimented. They farmed a bit too but got most of their food from villagers and pigmen. Villagers looked exactly like villagers do now. They were pretty good at building and farming and dabbled in Magic a bit. They were closely allied with the pigmen who were great at farming and experimented a lot. There was also some sort of aquatic race that built underwater monuments and cities. They created great underwater golems to defend their monuments but they grew sentient and destroyed their creators and developed a government with a triumvirate at the head (clearly not a smart bunch as triumvirates don't work). That takes the underwater race out of the picture which is good because if it was still there you people would tear my theory down. Anyway the villagers created golems using building magic. Creations of the humans, villagers, and pigmen include:

Humans: jungle temples, strongholds, some abandoned mine shafts, some dungeons (used for prisoners).
Villagers: villages, some mine shafts, desert temples
Pigmen, nether fortresses (we'll get to those later), some mineshafts, some dungeons, strongholds in alliance with humans.

All three remaining species quickly rose to their peak. But as every rudimentary history student knows: once a kingdom reaches its peak it begins to fall.

The fall of the three races

So yeah the species rose to their peak. Then they began to fall. It all started when they rediscovered the nether portal. They explored the nether and met the wither skeletons who were pretending to be friendly. They had a secret plot to let their master (the eldritch abomination that is the nether) gain footing in the overworld. They gave the species soul sand and wither skulls and told them to put them together in a formation that would give them great power.

Instead it spawned the wither. The wither started reanimating corpses of the people he killed zombies, zombie pigmen, zombie villagers, and skeletons resulted from it. It devastated most of the kingdoms. The few kingdoms left are called servers. The most famous servers are mineplex and hypixel although they're mostly famous for their terrifying death games. The wither was eventually defeated after a long period. The last remnants of ancient civilizations were scattered. Most woke up without any memory. And that's where our old friends green and blue come in.

Green: Yes of course.

Oh I see you've found your way onto my post.

Green: Of course.

Okay I should introduce you then everybody this is green he’s one of the voices from the end poem. Green this is everybody.

Green: Green is just a nickname my real name is [scrambled]

Not even I can read that.

So green would you mind telling everyone what you said to the players at the beginning of their adventure.

Green: Of course.

Blue: Careful green you don't want to reveal too much.

Oh blues here too.

Blue: Yes yes let's get it over with. I don't want to reveal too much.

Well get on with it then

Green: *ahem* I see the player.

Blue: Yes it is destined for greatness.

Green: Yes.

Blue: Is it steve?

Green: No that is just the skin name. It is [player name]

Blue: Here me player. This world has fallen into ruin.

Green: Yes you must save it. Only you have the power to.

Blue: Yes now remember this is your story what happens is up to you.

Green: Now wake player. Wake and start a new journey!!!

Thank you blue and green.

Green: No problem.

Anyway then the player wakes up and starts his journey. And that doesn't end the story however. The player soon comes in contact with villagers who after seeing the destruction building caused only build when necessary. Some villagers however are in tune with the universe and know that building is the only way. Their leader the evoker uses the totem of undying to make sure that he can respawn like the player. These villagers are banned from the village where they build huge mansions in the woods. Not satisfied however the villagers contract the player and sell him a map so that he will defeat the illagers. Other villager contracts include

Cleaning out nearby ocean monuments
Killing zombies and producing flesh as evidence
Mining gold for them
Harvesting their wheat
Collecting produce from their animals
Mining diamonds iron and coal for them
Killing spiders for them

Now I bet you want evidence here it is to support most of my theory. This should all be taken with a grain of salt though.

Part 1
The ehd can't be the moon it's broken into pieces and the moon is clearly put together, It can't be an asteroid field either their are no stars, so it must be a fleet of ships just inside earth's atmosphere which would explain the dragon and the pillars and cities.
Netherrack has been described as meaty
Ghasts and magma cubes fit red and white blood cells perfectly
Endermen can pick up almost any block
Shulkers are listed as end golems in the files
Part 2
Guardians drop prismarine so they are clearly made of prismarine. And natural creatures aren't made of things that can be found elsewhere.
Guardians needed some sort of builder
There are three elder guardians
Pigmen must have had a pre zombified form.
So do zombies
Desert temples match villager architecture
Jungle temples don't
Everyone needs minerals
The strongholds look like composite communities
Part 3
The wither is carved on red chiseled sandstone
What other explanations do servers have
When you look at them a certain way spleef and others are basically death games
Some of the trades do look like contracts especially the rotten flesh trade
The illagers have some crazy builds in their house.

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03/02/2018 10:03 pm
Level 24 : Expert Modder
Nevermind3476's Avatar
This is really more of a mythology than a theory...
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