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How big is a Minecraft world?

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alicewarren's Avatar alicewarren
Level 9 : Apprentice Miner
How big is a Minecraft world?
Minecraft 32-bit means that the maximum map size possible is 4,294,967.294 squares. However, this is only the maximum size of Minecraft maps that could theoretically be created. The maximum map size is 60,000,000 blocks. This is 30,000,000 blocks away from zero.

In earlier editions, the worlds were smaller so people could reach a map edge location called the far lands. In fact, if you tried to enter the far lands, the game would be buggy and all the usual features would not work.

Modern versions eliminated farlands to continue creating visually but did not allow block manipulation. In many cases, travel beyond the world’s edge as possible. This is because the map edge is only 30 million blocks away from the start point. To travel 1 million blocks at sprint speed, it takes 60 hours.

It would take you 1800 hours to travel straight to reach the edge. If you don’t sleep, that’s 75 days straight of travel at maximum speed.

Java Edition contains a world boundary that is default located at the coordinates +-29.999,984. The animated wall of blue stripes is the world border. A red vignette appears around the border when you stand near it. Except for teleporting, most entities cannot cross the border. If they are not in creative or spectator mode, players who cross the border will suffer constant damage. Teleporting past the border can allow players to travel as far as X/Z +-299,999999. There is an invisible wall that prevents them from reaching this point. The player can ride horses, pigs, and minecarts to travel a bit further.

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