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HorizonCity Map Reivews

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hooptiecoupe's Avatar hooptiecoupe
Level 43 : Master Network
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Map Review : January 27th,2016

By: Wizard Keen, Blocksworks & Dragnoz .. MASHUP!

Download Link here: LINK

"UNITED FOR WILDLIFE" teamed up recently with the some heavy hitters in the minecraft community.

They collaberated with some of my favorite minecrafters too! Mainly, team over at BLOCKWORKS, Wizard Keen of thecommonpeople and DRAGNOZ
(i've been seeing these 'we are the rangers' coding setups on his Code share site and was wondering what that was for )

HorizonCity Map Reivews

This is an amazingly cool minecraft map that was built by a team
of OVER 116 minecrafters
Dragnoz shows off his EPIC command block mastery skills while teaming
up with Blockworks who Themselves a
re ALSO known for some MAD command block coding skills. The custom landscape was created by both the team over at
blockworks, and the team over at thecommonpeople with WizardKeen taking lead direction on map development. You might know Wizard Keen from his work on the WONDERQUEST series with minecraft youtuber StampytheCat.

It was designed to raise awareness of the crisis that faces our wildlife and increase awareness around the world of poaching and the terrible situation if we don't work together to prevent it.

HorizonCity Map Reivews

Using a custom skin pack, and some awesome mob riding command coding by Dragnoz they managed to create some really great looking creatures. Its almost as if they used the mo'creatures mod in making this. -But they didn't-

You'll rescue zebra, rhinos, giraffes and elephants (among other animals...) from HORDES of poachers. Wildlife around the world are facing unparalleled pressure from poachers and the illegal wildlife trade. It’s estimated that Elephants are being killed at a rate of 35,000 per year – equivalent to 96 per day. That's just insaine!

HorizonCity Map Reivews

So what's the map about?

There's something going on down at the watering hole. We are the Rangers is a community made, charity minecraft map where rangers battle mobs against the clock to save wildlife from extinction.

Join a team of elite rangers and journey across the African savannah. This 100% vanilla map contains new animals such as elephants, giraffe and even rhinos. Track down the poachers before they track down the endangered wildlife and prove you have what it takes to complete a range of special quests in the heart of Africa.

Some of the features mentioned on there PMC page for the map: mention a fast travel mini-map
which was largely designed by Dragnoz. which can be found and studied if your into learning how stuff works on his

PASTEBIN here: LINK and apparently theres some Pangolins in the map somewhere. Though, I haven't
come across them yet...

I sat down last night and played thru some of this map. Its abouslety amazing. Trust me guys. you NEED to download this minecraft map and play it for yourself. i mean, Dragoz, and Blockworks teaming up together to create a map is for me a dream come true!

Shatterd Pvp - By: Panguino (09/09/15)
Shatterd Pvp - By: Panguino Find it here: LINK

This is one of those maps thats takes everything you know about minecraft,
and throws it out the window!
This litterally creates a whole new game and minecraft and helps to show you
whats possible with the coding, mobs, and mechanics.

Shattered introduces a new concept into traditonal PVP maps.
For one, the random arenas, are amazingly created using colored glass blocks
which create an unquie look to each map.
Next, the game mechanics scratch the traditonal swords and Shields
and forces the player to use Custom Enchanted Bows and arrows

Check out Panguino's website for the map @

This map is MADE to be played with other people. It WONT work if its just you on the map.

The downside is that when tested on our 1.8.8 Spigot Server, this map would NOT work.
Due to spigot not allowing Non-op players to access commands that are run from
command block signs. (vanilla created signs that will run commands when clicked)
also, when loading this map with multiworld, its pretty much breaks.

If you want to play this map, you need to have it as the ONLY map on your server,
and it needs to be a vanilla server. (no bukkit, or spigot API)
Its well worth it for a few hours of crazy fun with your freinds!
I'm personally really hoping that the map maker creates his own server to run this map
and show it off.

Helliem By: Mr.Zybez. (05/19/15)
Helliem By: Mr.Zybez. Find it here: LINK


This map comes from our very own Mr.Zybez!

He's worked hard for months on end on this map and the effort truly shows.
Whats great about this map is he designed with the intent for server owners
to download it and use it. the map as several open patches of land that are great
for building towns, factions and kingdoms.

A volcano, custom trees, custom waterways.This map is perfect for ANY server
that wants to add a touch of realism and give players a REASON to explore the map.
If you wanting to start a realistic towny server, this map is right up your alley.
MegaCube By: ErminCraft (04/27/15)

MegaCube By: ErminCraft . Find it here: LINK

Your thrust into a GIANT BOX. Can you find your way out?
This map is crazy fun! filled with several scray moments that made me poop my pants

the map maker did fantabulous Job with the command block mechanics.
It comes with a custom resource pack which just ADDS to the
game play element of freaking scary as heck!

The only thing slightly annoying is that you'll find yourself running out of rope
too soon. Which forces you to break the glowstone blocks to create more blocks.
Also, your locked into survival. Even after your complete it.
Meaning, you cant fly around and check out all the work he put into this map
after you complete it.

It will take you about 30minutes to an hour complete depending on how good you are
at.. living. :) download and try it out, you wont regret i promise


4 Update Logs

Update #4 : by hooptiecoupe 05/26/2017 2:08:37 pmMay 26th, 2017

updated broken links.

fixed typo errors.

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09/03/2015 9:51 pm
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
Sorry i havent been updating these reviews with the most recent ones.
My wife and i moved to new York recently so i've been excaptionally busy with my new job.
but, i really wanted to show off this map to you guys. Its amazing!
05/01/2015 10:30 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Hunter
StaticSnake's Avatar
Looks Cool! :D
05/01/2015 10:53 am
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
thanks man, i really appericte it :)

I'm always searching the backpages of map websites to try an dfind obscure cool maps that
aren't getting attention anymore. Hopefully, shine a little light on them and help get some
fanfare going for the map maker again :)
04/30/2015 2:54 am
Level 43 : Master Network
hooptiecoupe's Avatar
Thanks so much :)

You may also really enjoy my Youtuber Spotlight article. I plan to try an update that
once a week or so with great animations and such
04/30/2015 2:02 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
anonpmc1665509's Avatar
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