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Homeschooler || Chiaroscuro's Writing Contest Round 1

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Totocchio's Avatar Totocchio
Level 40 : Master Llama
Theme: Everyday
Word count: 635
Inspired by real life.

Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groan, rolling over to turn off the noise that rudely decided to wake me up. I check the time, which reads '7:31 am', and my eyes widen. Surely the alarm hadn't already gone for a whole minute!
"Up! Come on! It's five minutes to eight!" I hear my mum's voice ringing in my ears. I'd gone back to sleep, obviously. I slowly roll over to my right and pathetically fall on the floor, hearing something come down with me. I push myself up onto my feet and exit the room like a highly bothered koala, which, let's face it, I probably am. By the time I reach the kitchen, it's already one to eight. Shoot! I quickly snatch the cereal from the cupboard and the milk from the fridge, dumping them into a bowl hurriedly. My bird squawks at me as I do so, but I'm too rushed to notice. I plop myself slightly painfully into the chair at my desk and turn the computer on. The screen lights up and I almost smash my keyboard in the process of logging in. It's three past eight; I'm late, I'm late!
Finally getting myself into the lesson, I sigh in relief. Now all that I have to do is sit and listen, perhaps do an activity or two. I smile as my friends greet me, joking about how I slept in again. "Good morning, year nine!" I hear the teacher say excitedly. "Today we will be starting unit five, which is all about HTML. Who here has received the textbook?" I quickly click on the smiley face button, a little, happy emoji appearing next to my name. Practically all of the other students do the same, and the teacher speaks again. "Great! Please turn to page four and we will start."
The first lesson ends and I log into my second one. There, in simple black writing, is the name of a girl who deserves a much fancier font. I'm glad she's here. You see, I've liked this girl for a while now. I promised myself that I wouldn't get a crush on her, since I know I'll never gain the courage to ask her out and liking her will just make me suffer for a few months. However, sometimes your heart works against you. The teacher says my name, and I click on the button to raise my hand twice, putting it up then taking it back down again. Once everyone else has done the same, we start the lesson.
Morning tea is pretty chill. I work on a drawing that I'm making for a YouTube video - after grabbing some chocolate, of course. By the time I actually get on a roll with the artwork, though, it's time for my third lesson. Usually we have the third period on Fridays off for practical stuff, but our teacher was away on Wednesday, so we're doing that lesson today. Now, for the majority of this semester, I've hated HPE. I couldn't see a point and it was just... really boring. Just this week, though, we got a new teacher for the rest of the term. He's a lot more fun and engaging, so I'm starting to enjoy these lessons a little bit more.
Finally finished school for today, since there's only three periods on Wednesdays and Fridays instead of four, I quickly check to make sure that I don't have any homework to do before logging onto Minecraft, where I spend the rest of the day talking about Love, Simon to my friends.
When people think of homeschooling, they don't really consider what it's really like. They don't realise that there are different types, and yes, I am homeschooled. I do distance education, which honestly is so much better than normal school.

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01/10/2019 12:10 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
acc877627's Avatar
This is pretty good! Keep writing duDe.
01/11/2019 1:41 am
Level 40 : Master Llama
Totocchio's Avatar
Ha, thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed this. :)
01/11/2019 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
acc877627's Avatar
Ah, no problem. Hey Ik I’m trAsh but if there’s some chick you like, let her know before it’s too late and you regret it.
if you don’t mind me guessing, was it connexus? If not excuse me rip
01/11/2019 5:24 pm
Level 40 : Master Llama
Totocchio's Avatar
Idk what connexus is lol

Also hahaha no I'm trashier trust me
I watch Drarry CMVs at 3 am
if anyone ever dates me I will be highly flattered
01/11/2019 5:44 pm
Level 1 : New Collective
acc877627's Avatar
Connexus was just some weird school that sounded similar to the one in your story.
I'm sure you're not as much of a trAsh can like me lmao. I mean, since when did watching Drarry cmv's make you trash o-o;
01/11/2019 9:42 pm
Level 40 : Master Llama
Totocchio's Avatar
Tru, tru
Drarry CMVs are incredible
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