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herobrine is out there dont try to run

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Haunted Aragon's Avatar Haunted Aragon
Level 9 : Apprentice Architect
do YOU really bealive herobrine was removed read over the minecraft update list and see how many times he has been removed, he will never die, he will always come back no one can kill him, no one can stop him, he is just a poor soul going through minecraft he will never stop, he is his own person, he will never die, ever, just imagine yourself walking, alone in a cave, then your hear a noise, everyone knows who he is, everyone knows he will never stop. he lies in the fog, waiting. Know1 knows why he is here or what he wants, all we know is that he comes, when diamonds, are about.he will never stop. Herobrine, is a poor poor soul. have you ever walked alone in minecraft and felt, like you were, being hunted, i feel that all,the,time. herobrine is not mad,glad,sad. He is just a ghost looking for a purpose. he will never die. he always will come back notch and he may be looking for you. notch if your reading this, He is after you, he wants to have someone, someone close, a family........

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05/31/2013 8:55 pm
Level 27 : Expert Pokemon
Bluepenguin1o00's Avatar
...HB...I remember the video the reason why I was always afraid of joining MC is because of HB...(HB=Herobrine...I made the HB nickname/shorter name nobody else)
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