Minecraft Blogs / Story

Herobrine And Notch vs Entity 303

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Picklemuffin's Avatar Picklemuffin
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
It was just another day and Herobrine was transforming some pigs into zombies for his army. There came a knocking at the door. Herobrine opened it. He was surprised to see Notch at the other end of it. ‘Hello’ said Notch with an awkward smile. ‘It’s horrible to see you here’ greeted Herobrine. ‘Look let’s skip the niceties, There’s a big problem.’

‘Do I look like I care?’ Questioned herobrine.

Notch looked at his frenemy with a sigh ‘ugh, I’ll get to the point. You know Steve killed the ender dragon last month.’

‘Yes and we replaced him with that entity guy you put no work into at all. You didn’t even give him a name.’

‘Yes well entity 303 has rounded up what’s left of the ender forces and is now marching on a village in the forest.’ Explained Notch. Herobrine looked at Notch with a confused face. ‘Ok and?’

‘I’ll just show you.’ Notch grabbed onto Herobrine’s shoulder and the room started to wobble. Everything turned purple and before they knew it they were floating above the forest village. ‘Look herobrine look at this. Soon this will be what you see in the nether.’ In front of them the village was swarmed with endermen and floating above the creatures was entity 303. His red eyes glowing and his white hood over his head. ‘I am evil and will always be evil’ Herobrine thought. ‘Uuuuh I hate everyone and everything in the world. But to get rid of this idiot I’ll help you.’

the next day entity 303 was destroying another village when out of know where a massive army of iron golems and zombie pigmen surrounded entity 303.

To to be continued...

if if you want to see the next part comment and I’ll do it

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