This Blog is an entry in the completed Herobrine Mythos - Blog Contest #6.

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Herobrian story (Herobrine Mythos contest 40th place!)

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Karrfis's Avatar Karrfis
Site Moderator
Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
39th place lol, i have given up on you all, you are terrible people, this deserves to be last place

( persoanlly i think the concept of herobrine is stupid and is only really followed up by the annoying little kids on the internet, thereforethe actual recount blog is written in their style, all spelling and grammar errors are intentional)

Steve opened the book at began to write, originally he was going to write a historical document all about the origins of herobrine and how the creature came to be, but decided that but a first hand account of his encounter would prove much more useful than a rambling old senseless historical book backed up with meaningless facts and evidence with no proof

he sighed softly knowing full well that he was controlled by a 6 year old child who played call of duty aswell as minecraft, he would often listen as the child sweared and screamed down the microphone at the other team members. He began to write...the only way he knew how to...

"I saw herobrian today, even though i has to play on low graphics am sure tht the thing is the distence i did saw was herobrian
you see rite there,"

he posted a broken imgur link using img tags so if the image ever worked only a quater of it would be able to be seen, this of course was the wuater which didnt show the grey blog of herobrine camoflaged against a stone wall so nobody could see it

"it is herobrian, the other mobs didnt beleeve me, but i had proof, last nite a rdstoon torch was placed outsude
my hause which was scary becuz herobrian is the onlee one who can place redstone torches, omg i was so fightened i dug a hole and hid in it until daytyme"

he paused and slowly wrote a linnk to his mlg youtube channel, slowly writing the link to xxXxx_quickskopeyoumum_xXX with he message, he guessed some of the player's actions had rubbed off on him,

"plz subtome i want to be famous like pewdipie"

he shook his head softly, he didnt even know what a pewdiepie was but he knew it was the right thing to write, even though it was in the middle of an important historical memoir and direct account on herobrine, the mythos had to be out there as a warning to others, his direct account of the creature would serve as a direct warning to the townsfolk about him.

"when daytime came i hopeded herobrian wasnt out there becz i was still sooper scared and shaking from what i had saw from the last night, i dug up and jumped out the hole i digged and saw that the redstone torch had be gone, that meant herobrian had gone away and wasnt going to come back because it was day time"

he was unsure why he wrote like this, he guessed that he thoguht like his player thoguht, it only made sense, especially because this is how he spoke on multiplayer servers..

"now i no herobrian is real becz i saw him, i put a video on my youtubes channel but it was taken down because youtube are.."

he paused knowing he shouldnt write swears in his mythos, so he left it blank, he didnt like all the curses his player used so he chose not to use them

"the day tyme was fine i went to go and cut sum wood and i got sum wood, but when i took the wood back to my hause there wuz a sin there, the sine said "im watching you" followed by the name Brian, there wuz a redstine torch there so i must have been herobrian, i broke the sine qucikyl and forgot to take a screenshot to show you but believe me i didnt place it and it was there, I ran aback into my hause and got a pickaxe and decided it would be safer to go mining because i wanted some diamonds for my new hoe because hoes are useful!"

he closed his eyes signing softly, remembering all the times his player had forced him to make a diamond hoe instead of a sword, all those hundreds of worlds and hundreds of times,..first two diamonds being a diamond hoe because his "butter" sword and armour were much more powerful than diamond.. he continued anyway

"the mine was dark but i had lit it up so i didnt now why it wasnt lit up because i remember putting torches down, i turned the corner and i legit screemed because all my torches had been replaced with redstone torches, this means herobrian is real! i shouted omg and my mum told me to stop shouting or she would ban me from my video games, I ran abck up my mine to my house and it had gone to night time even tho i had just became day tyme, I was scared becuz i saw lots of mobs coming but i was ok becuz i had my butter tools, These mobs were not like anything else tho, they were going super fast and were really scary because they kept saying my name over and over again instead of thier usual mod sounds, and i new herobrian was the one doin this because herobrian is real and it must have been him because i dont lie.

i hid in my hause and looked at the wall, then before my eyes a bight white flash and herobrians eyes appeared on the dirt wall. i punched the wall with my butter sword and the eyes vanished so i braked the wall with my butter shovel and ran out, i was so scared, i wanted to go abck into my mine but i knew there were redstone torches there, so i runned away from my hause and the mobs chansed me. i runned over to the mountains and began to climb up the mountains but as i lookeded herobrian was flying towards me and it looked like he wos in ncreative mode but he wasnt in creative mode because he cant be in creative mode, he started shouting my name and how he was going to kill me and i was super scared but i was also safe wearing by butter armour, i shot him with my bow but he kept shoutung my name and coming towards me, i closed my eyes and looke daway too scared to look at the screen, my player spammed esc pausing the game and signing out, the void envoloped me before i was back in the nevernding white of that what is yet to be."

Steved sighed and closed his eyes, leaning back on his chair, his player had not logged him in isnce that incident, but the aether was peaceful and quiet.. The world had been deleted, all of thier hard work fragmented into atoms and flung accross the aether of that of what is known as the hard drive, He closed the book and placed it on the table infront of him, he would find a way to get this sent into the game, they must be warned of that which was coming, it was coming fast, it was dangerous, everything died around it as it ran, all he knew was it was an entity, it was hungry, it was dangerous, it was coming for him


i am offended Midnight!
Creditall the amazing forum posts in ghost in the code forums i sifted through to pick up the writing syle for steve

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11/30/2019 1:06 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Xuliganzzz's Avatar
And there was a lot of spelling mistakes
12/02/2019 2:33 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
01/09/2024 11:56 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster uwu Birb
JustaFlqmingo's Avatar
11/30/2019 1:05 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Xuliganzzz's Avatar
You literally just pretty much stole Herobrine's origin story. I do not like this
05/24/2016 8:22 pm
Level 46 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
Midnight's Avatar
I think its a piece of art that belongs in the biggest museum on earth! However, I will crush you in the blog battle. Be prepared Karthus, I have magic resist and an hourglass.
05/24/2016 8:24 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
i have a pointed stick and some doggy chew
05/25/2016 11:55 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Dragon
NakuMog's Avatar
Im Losing to Karrthus and it angers me
05/26/2016 5:20 am
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
Im winning to moogle and it makes me happy
05/23/2016 7:00 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Strawberry
Luminescent's Avatar
hardest thing ive ever read. 11/10 good luck with the contest ;P
05/23/2016 7:03 pm
They/Them • Level 35 : Artisan Birb Birb
Karrfis's Avatar
i am totally gonna win this, you cannot stop me!
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