Minecraft Blogs / Other

Hello there :) I'm new to this place

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xX_JawBreaker_Xx's Avatar xX_JawBreaker_Xx
Level 1 : New Miner
Hello everybody! I'm new to this app (made my account like 4 hours ago lol.) I used to be on this app called utk.io (I still use it). I decided I'd make an account here So you guys can enjoy my content here!here can enjoy the content I uploaded from utk! :D and sorry if the stuff I post here isn't the best *cough *cough* Skin posts, I'm really bad at making skins but I'll still post them here so you guys can still enjoy them :)<br><br>Soooooo, let's get to know each other :)

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07/05/2018 11:33 pm
Level 13 : Journeyman Skinner
Hipnetix's Avatar
It's me Straif reply or die
Planet Minecraft


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