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Nakudan's Avatar Nakudan
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Hey there guys, Im Nakudan the redstoner and its a pleasure to be on PMC at last. Anyways this is not meant to be an introductory blog because of theirs a forum for that but still i want to make the best of this. Other than my name and what i do in minecraft, i particularly grew a bit fond of here in discreet so starting from Saturday i will be starting my weekly blog series where i particularly discus anything in general from things like redstone to creations to servers, etc ,etc. But other than that i guess i just relatively here to interact with you guys and cause a movement. So i guess thats all so thanks for the time and ill see you later

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02/28/2013 8:27 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Batman
Cid_of_Lufenia's Avatar
Hmm.....I would suggest introducing yourself on the forums most people don't like blogs like this.
02/28/2013 8:29 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Nakudan's Avatar
Sure thing. Thanks :)
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