Minecraft Blogs / Other

Haza and the missing cases

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HazcumberINC's Avatar HazcumberINC
Level 14 : Journeyman Company
Have you ever wanted to play a Minecraft map with haza well this is your chance. haza the missing cases is a mystery game where you , Dvinchi a local police man hunts for clues to solve the missing children's cases. It won't be easy because as always haza is on your tail trying to make sure yo I never find them. If you play as haza you will have to build poisoned ice creams with different effects to slow down Divinchi. this map is a multiplayer that will be released 31 October 2023, would you like to help this new project let me know in the comments.

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01/31/2023 7:02 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
Sounds fun

I might help, probably not tho :(
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