Minecraft Blogs / Review

Having Fun In The Bryte Mod

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Kyuuri S-'s Avatar Kyuuri S-
Level 32 : Artisan Strawberry
The First Look

At first glance the Byrte Mod seems like any ordinary mod, adds some blocks, adds some mobs, basic a first.
But take a closer look some of the basic things become more extravagant.
Detail Galore

Where to start! I found myself keep finding some most peculiar items but the best ones as well. Some of these items I found great for adding detail to your builds, such items were Plant Crate, Wooden Stairs Rail Fence, Wooden Crate Planks, and etc.
Le Conclusion

It's a pretty good mod for builders, decorators, and more! I think you really should go download it! (also if you want to know why this was so short and why nothing about mobs and such, I can't do survival and I don;t have a lot of time so yeah)

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06/08/2018 6:21 pm
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06/09/2018 10:03 am
Level 32 : Artisan Strawberry
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