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Haruko 陽子 Braun - Goldenglider's character contest entry

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Michiru's Avatar Michiru
Level 81 : Elite Sweetheart

My entry for GoldenGlider's character contest

Aesthetic board
Haruko 陽子 Braun - Goldenglider's character contest entry

Basic information
Firstname : Haruko
Lastname : Braun
Age : 20
Origin : Germany ( Father ) and Japan ( Mother )
Birthday : 03.25.99

Family :  
Father : Marko, 51, automotive engineer at Toyota ( Formerly at BMW )
Mother : Akane, 48, vet
Brother : Jan, 22, law student
Sister : Mikka, 16, highschool student

Height : 168cm
Weight : 59 Kg
Hair : blonde and long
Eyes : blue, Haruko is often wearing black large-framed glasses due to her bad sight, giving her a bookish-type look
Clothes : Black and gold varsity jacket, white tanktop, blue jeans shorts, dark thigh high socks, yellow sneakers and a gold headband

Haruko 陽子 Braun - Goldenglider's character contest entry

Haruko is a little bit shy and very friendly, but she is also hot-blooded and always wants to be right. Additionally, she is very smart and have a bursting imagination. She can also be very lazy and spend hours sleeping.She loves candies, feezy drinks and every sugary food, and luckily have a good metabolism to compensate such a bad diet. However, she can't hold her liquor and often go wrong when partying with friends.She plays the piano, loves painting, and can spend several hours on the beach, staring at the sky at night.She dreams of becoming an architect.


  Haruko was born on the 25th of March 1998 at the time her parents were living near München in Bavaria, Germany, where her father was working as an automotive engineer, and her mother as a vet.
Thus she spent her childhood there, in the countryside, at the foot of the mountain. What a wonderful place to live for a young girl to blossom : buidling watermill on the backyard brook with her older brother, stargazing while lying on the grass along with a loving family.In such idyllic surroundings, Haruko has been developing her interest for painting.
  However, when she was 12, she moved to Japan with her family, as her father got a job opportunity there.This dramatic change could have been a real hardship for the girl, moving from a country to an other one, thousands of miles away, from the countryside to a large city. Luckily, it turned out to be the opposite, as Haruko overcame her shyness and made some good friends by joining the art club of her highschool.
She nevertheless still had to acclimate to her new environment, and this was no easy task : After several months, she still had difficulties to overcome the whole politeness wording. Also, she couldn't even count how many times she forgot her school uniform or her lunchbox.
Actually, the cultural difference between Japan and Germany was not to be held responsible for all this forgetfullness; as a matter of fact, Haruko would rather relax in her bed than prepare her school stuff.She may well be bright, she is nonetheless lazy and often all at the sea.
Despite all that, she somehow achieved in school, and is now attending the Kyoto Institute of Technology, where she's started studying architecture and urban design.

Skin version here ; )

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10/01/2019 10:35 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Ranger
cpatainrex75's Avatar
Dang, nice art.
09/28/2019 5:46 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Sus
amalien's Avatar
i think i'm in love ??
09/26/2019 5:54 pm
Level 47 : Master Peacock
GoldenGlider's Avatar
lovely!! she is too adorable >u< thank you for entering!
09/26/2019 6:37 pm
Level 81 : Elite Sweetheart
Michiru's Avatar
Thanks <3
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