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Legit Free Plants Vs. Zombies Full Game!! Ends November 10th!

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BeastlyRed_NEW's Avatar BeastlyRed_NEW
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
This is a tutorial on how to get Plants Vs. Zombies for free from now to Nov 10th!

First go to StopZombieMouth.com Click Here (its ran by th ADA) (American dental assosiation)

2) Enter you email and all required specs.

3) Enter This code PEAH8R its the same for everyone ( I do not get anything for your download so please diamond!)

4)Check the email you used during the sign up.

Download the game through that email.

5) ENJOY!!! And happy halloween

P.s. Please note that this is ran by the ADA and it is 100% virus free. You can print out cupons also on this site to give to friends so they can enjoy the game also!

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11/02/2012 5:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
BeastlyRed_NEW's Avatar
This may be for US citizens only fust a FYI
11/02/2012 5:01 pm
Level 29 : Expert Blockhead
BeastlyRed_NEW's Avatar
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