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Happy Easter Easter Lily and llama going to a new land!!! {Lola}

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Livigaard's Avatar Livigaard
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Easter lily just a easter skin i made and her llama Easter Sprinklez are going to a new land! how fun is that? ok she just decided to do it so yeah heres the sory enjoy! {not to long ago when it was almost easter a girl named easter lily and a llama named easter sprinklez wanted to go to a new land so she packed Food drinks blankets pillows books fishing rod map weapons and more like a compass and stuff they went so hard to do it to a new land so they did it and went through rain snow storms even hot and cold weather so yeah they went on and on and on till she saw a mountain and she said are we lost? i think we are she said so they keep on going to where ever they were going then she saw a sign it said welcome to the village of the villagers she saw many villagers there then she walked in VictoriaTheVillager: you must be on a journey let me give some more food mrs EasterLily:thanks mrs? um? Victoria: please call me victoria Lily: thanks mrs victoria Victoria: with pleasure
CreditMC Novaskin.com

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03/28/2017 7:46 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Livigaard's Avatar
Happy easter
Planet Minecraft


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