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Guardians Of the Galaxy 2 Review

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Galactic_X's Avatar Galactic_X
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
Guardians of the Galaxy 2, where do I start? First let me say this movie was great but it lacked a certain concept that most adults looked for in this movie. Let me comment on what I just said, adults this movie was NOT meant for you it was meant for the children, this is marvel let's not forget yet so many people have said this movie is childish. Thank you by the way for the people who didn't say that and simply expressed an opinion that didn't sound like a unthought out review. Now for the actual review, this movie was not only funny but heartwarming, children are guaranteed to love this movie and a few remarks will surely get the adults laughing as well, it is a solid sequel and one that solves a lot of unknown mysteries. Regarding "awesome mix 2" it was great along with the soundtrack in the movie everything in this movie made it a hit in my eyes and it is definitely worth seeing.
Welcome to the spoilers if you clicked on this you either saw the movie or just like getting things spoiled for you which is odd. Let's get to some spoiler reviews now that you're here, first of all it seems highly unlikely that star lord's dad would be able to find his son out of nowhere and also recognize him even though he hasn't been there for the entirety of star lord's life. Though many parts were also nice like how Yondu confessed that he loved star lord which brought joy to my heart. Also revealing that Rocket was scared of love was a nice touch to the story because it shines some light on why Rocket is so mischievous. This movie had many plot twists that played with your emotions and it was fantastic I love Guardians of the Galaxy and I highly recommend that you watch it. That's all I have to say, have a good day and I'm out.

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05/31/2017 2:40 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
Leila's Avatar
It was indeed a very good movie, but to be absolutely honest, I was expecting a lot more from it, and there are things which I didn't like too much about it...
05/31/2017 4:17 pm
Level 25 : Expert Ninja
Galactic_X's Avatar
Understandable, the movie is not for everyone thank you for sharing your opinion.
05/31/2017 4:21 pm
Level 48 : Master Vampire
Leila's Avatar
I did like it, I just thought they could have done a LOT more with the movie... that's all ^^
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